Checking date: 21/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Public international law
Dual Bachelor in Law and Economics (Plan: 416 - Estudio: 230)


Department assigned to the subject: International Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Students have to know and understand the basical elements of public international law. To this effect the systematical form of the program is divided in five parts (general questions. Subjects. Juridical system and sources. Application. Competences and spaces regime), through which they can study the basic elements of public international law. Along this program special attention is given to the historical and dynamic characteristic of this juridical order, and taking into account the Kingdon of Spain juridical system. This conception tends to overcome a formal conception of international law. A formal conception would avoid the student acquering needed competences to an integrated understanding of international juridical phenomenon.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Topic 1. The international society and International law. 1. International juridical orden: general questions. 3. Basis elements of international society. 3. The heterogeneity of International society (power, economy and culture) and the evolution of International law. Topic 2. Historical evolution of International law. 1. International law as a historical phenomenon. The transition from classical international law to contemporary. 2. The universalization of I.S. and IL 3. International society institutionalization. 3 International law humanization Topic. 3. Notion and fundamental principles of International law 1 Notion, basis and fonctions of IL. 2. Fundamental principles of classic IL: Equality, sovereingty and non intervention. 3. Fundamental principles of contemporary IL. International cooperation; peaceful settlement; prohibition of the use of force; free determination. Others. Topic 4. Subjects (I). 1 International personality. State´s elements. 2. States organs and international relations.3. States creation, recognition, transformation and succession. 4 States inmunities and others inmunities. Spanish law. Topic 5. Subjects (II). 1. International organizations: origin, elements and demostrations of international personality. 2 Juridical regimen. IO activities. 3. Peoples and individuals as subjects of IL. 4 4 Others subjects and actors. NGOs and multinational enterprises. Topic 6. Sources. (I). 1. Ius cogens and ius dispositivum. 3. Sources. Costume. 4. International organizations acts. 5. State conduct and unilateral acts. 6 Other sources (principios generales; jurisprudencia) Topic 7. Sources (II). 1. International treaties: general questions. 2. Celebration phases. Reservations. 3. Reform, crisis and treaties termination. 4. Spanish law treaties. Topic 8. Application (I). 1. Spontaneus application and international control. 2. State international responsibility. 3. Individuals international responsibility. Topic 9. Application (II). 1. Diplomatic protection. 2. Enforcement application. Retaliating measures, countermeasures and santions. 3. International courts proliferation. Topic 10. International law, international law relations. 1 Theoretical problems International-internal law. 2. Spanish law regime. Topic 11. Competences. Spaces regime under sovereign jurisdiction (I). 1. Competences and state jurisdiction. State territory and borders. 2. Aerial space regime. 3. Marine areas under state sovereignty (continental platform. Exclusive economic zone). Others. Topic 12.International spaces and common heritage of humanity (II). 1. International spaces (High see. International watercourses). 2 International straits.3. Polar areas. 4. Spaces common heritage of humanity: the zone. The outerspace.
Learning activities and methodology
The teaching methodologie purpose is to follow the Bolonia´s model (continuous assesment). The theoretical knowledge acquired is perfeccioned and deepen in the reduced classes (Knowledge is knowledge). Interconnection is looked for between theory and practice. The tutorial regime will be that of the University. Teaching activities will be the usual of the theoretical and reduced classes, combining different teaching methods. To this effect, together with practical case method, other techniques could be used as the following: assisted readings, workshops, debates, films etc.. One can include specialized videos, the medias reports, institutional webs of States, International states organizations, NGOs etc.. In the cronograme some activities would be given, but the professor responsable can change one activity for another. The cronograme can be applied with flexibility and, in any case, it is necesarry to adapt to the teaching dynamic. For example, the theoretical and reduced classed should always be coordinated between the professors.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Mª Paz Andrés Sáenz de S.(edición de) . Legislación básica de Derecho Internacional Público. 10ª edición actualizada Editorial Tecnos. Madrid 2011
  • Fernando M. Mariño.. Derecho Internacional Público. Parte General. . Editorial Trotta. 4ª ed.. Madrid 2005
Additional Bibliography
  • Crawford, J.. Brownlies principles in international law. Oxford University Press. 2012
  • Shaw, M.N.,. International law. Cambridge University Press. 2019
  • Watson, A.,. The evolution of international society. A comparative historical analysis. Routledge. 2009
Detailed subject contents or complementary information about assessment system of B.T.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.