Checking date: 27/04/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Basic institutions of private law
Dual Bachelor in Law and Economics (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 174 - Estudio: 230)

Coordinating teacher: BELUCHE RINCON, IRIS

Department assigned to the subject: Private Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


The student shall reach, from the comprehension and critical analysis, a reasonable level of knowledge with regard to the discipline, and shall conveniently learn to solve practical conflicts. The student shall achieve, in this first course, skills in the use of technical legal terminology within the Civil Law, as well as to deal with bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.
Description of contents: programme
This subject starts with an introduction which aim is to give the student one of the most significant features of our Law: the legal-civil plurality of the Spanish System. It continues with the indispensable study of the person, which is the core and axis of the discipline: beginning and end of it, its capacity, civil protection of the so called personality rights and the regime of the different civil statutes. Also subject to analysis is the general legal regime of artificial or legal persons, and of foundations and associations in particular. The last part of the program is dedicated to the core questions of Private Law, such as the patrimony and its types, the subjective right and its limits, the autonomy of will and act of the law and the representation. The subject deals with essential matters not only for the Civil Law, but also for other fields of Private Law, so we could speak of an introduction to Private Law. PROGRAM Lesson 1.- Spanish Civil Law. 1.- Civil Law: concept and current content. 2.- Legal-civil plurality in the Spanish legal system: Foral Laws. 3.- Legislative competence with regard to Civil Law. 4.- The Civil Code and special civil laws. 5.- The system of sources of Civil Law. Lesson 2. The person. Personality rights. Legal capacity or capacity to act. 1.- Concept of person. 2.- Civil or natural capacity and legal capacity. Civil statutes: historic significance and current sense. 3.- Starting of personality. Legal protection of the nasciturus. 4.- Death and declaration thereof. 5.- Personality rights. 6.- Legal capacity: Legal age and minority. Parental authority. The emancipated minor. 7.- Incapacitation. The patrimonial protection of disabled persons. Prodigality. 8.- Tutor and curator. Lesson 3.- Nationality. Civil residence. Domicile. 1.- Nationality. Basic legal regime of Spanish nationality. 2.-. Civil residence. 3.- Domicile. Absence. 4. The Civil Registry. Lesson 4.- Artificial or legal persons. 1.- The basis and significance of the legal person. 2.- The abuse of the legal person. 3.- Types of legal persons. 4.- The constitution and extinction legal persons. 5.- Domicile, nationality and operation of legal persons. 6.- .Associations: concept, constitution, organization and extinction. 7.- Foundations: concept, constitution, organization and extinction. Lesson 5.- The subjective right and its limits. Good faith and abuse of the Law. Prescription and caducity. 1.- Subjective right: concept, structure and types. 2.- Birth, acquisition, modification, transfer, loss and extinction of the subjective right. Waiver of rights. 3.- The exercise of the subjective right and its limits. 4. Good faith as limit to the exercise of the subjective right. 5.- Abuse of right. 6.- Prescription. 7.- Caducity. Lesson 6. The patrimony. 1.- Patrimony: concept, composition, basic functions and kinds. 2.- The goods: concept, requirements and classification 3.- Products, improvements and expenses. 4.- The legal fact and the legal act. 5.- The act of the Law. Private autonomy: concept, functions and limits. 5.- Classification of the acts of the Law. Lesson 7.- Representation 1.- The representation phenomena: concept, hypothesis and requirements. 2.- Scope and kinds of legal representation. 3.- Legal representation and voluntary representation. 4.- Voluntary representation: direct representation and indirect representation. 5.- Voluntary representation: the act of empowering. 6.- Representation with oneself: autocontracting.
Learning activities and methodology
Three on-site lessons shall be taught every week. A first theory class (magisterial lesson), of one hour and a half of duration, where the basic contents of the program of subject shall be explained. For the adequate understanding of the explanations, the prior reading of the handbook of reference is absolutely necessary. In a second session (practical), also of one hour and a half, practices and workshops shall be made where the students shall legally discuss and argue about the subjects proposed, acquiring the necessary skills for the solution of real situations and conflicts.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ALBALADEJO. Derecho civil. I. Introducción y Parte General.. Madrid.
  • BELUCHE RINCÓN, SIRVENT GARCÍA. Instituciones Básicas de Derecho Privado. Supuestos prácticos y Autoevaluación. Tecnos. 2016
  • CARRASCO PERERA. Derecho civil: Introducción, Derecho de la persona, Derecho subjetivo, Derecho de propiedad. Madrid.
  • DIEZ PICAZO y GULLON. Sistema de Derecho civil. I. Introducción. Derecho de la persona. Autonomia privada. Persona jurídica.. Madrid.
  • LACRUZ BERDEJO. Elementos de Derecho civil. I. Parte General. Madrid.
  • LASARTE ALVAREZ. Principios de Derecho civil. I. Parte General y Derecho de la Persona. Madrid.
  • LOPEZ, MONTES y ROCA. Derecho civil. Parte General. Derecho de la Persona. Valencia.
  • PUIG FERRIOL. Manual de Derecho Civil. I.. Barcelona.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.