El régimen de tutorías será acordado con los alumnos.
Los artículos con una estrella delante son trabajos clásicos. Los que tienen una barrita son trabajos modernos.
1. Contiendas. Definición of una contienda. Ejemplos.
- Corchón, L. (2007). "The theory of contests: a survey". Review of Economic Design 11, 69--100.
- Corchon, L. (2014). "Una vision panoramica de la teoria de las contiendas". Economia Industrial, 393, 79-88.
2. Funciones de éxito en la contiendas. Tullock, Linear, Hirschleifer, All pay auction y otras. Microfundamentos: Axiomatizacion. Las contiendas organizadas. Fundamentos cooperativos.
* Tullock, G. (1980). "Efficient Rent-Seeking." In J. M. Buchanan, R. D. Tollison and G. Tullock (eds.) Towards a Theory of a Rent-Seeking Society, Texas A&M University Press: 97-112.
* Hillman, A. and Riley, J. (1987). Politically Contestable Rents and Transfers.Economics and Politics, 1, 3, 17-39.
* Hirshleifer, Jack (1989), "Conflict and Rent-Seeking Success Functions: Ratio vs. Difference Models". Public Choice 63, 101--112.
* Skaperdas, S. (1996): "Contest Success Functions". Economic Theory 2, 283-290.
* Baye, M., Kovenock, D., de Vries, C. (1996). "The all-pay auction with complete information". Economic Theory, 8, 2, 291-305.
- Clark, D. and C. Riis (1998): "Contest Success Functions: An Extension". Economic Theory 11, 201-204.
- Corchón, L. (2000): "The Allocative Effects of Rent-Seeking." Journal of Public Economic Theory 2, 4, 483-491.
- Corchón, L. and M. Dahm (2010). "Foundations for Contest Success Functions". Economic Theory, 43, 1 81-98.
- Jia, H., Skaperdas, S., Vaidya, S. (2013). "Contest functions: Theoretical foundations and issues in estimation," International Journal of Industrial Organization, 31, 3, 211-222.
Beviá, C. y L. Corchón, (2015). "Relative Difference Contest Success Function". Theory and Decision, 78, 377-398, 2015.
3. Propiedades del Equilibrio y Aplicaciones. Contiendas simétricas: Existencia, estática comparativa y unicidad del equilibrio. Contiendas asimétricas: Propiedades básicas en un caso especial. Aplicaciones: Contiendas de grupos, búsqueda de rentas y funcionamiento de la economía, sabotaje. Biología.
* Olson, M. (1965): The Logic of Collective Action. Harvard University Press. Chapters 1 and 2.
* Perez-Castrillo, D. and T. Verdier (1992): "A General Analysis of Rent-Seeking Games". Public Choice 73, 335-50.
- E. Glaezer, R. La Porta, F. Silanes and A. Shleifer (2004): "Do Institutions Cause Growth? Journal of Economic Growth 9, 271-303.
- Cornes, R., and R. Hartley (2005). "Asymmetric Contests with General Technologies." Economic Theory 26, 4, 923-946.
- Beviá, C. and L. Corchón (2006). "Rational Sabotage with Heterogeneous Agents". Berkeley Electronic J. in Theoretical Econ., Topics. 6, 1.
- Corchón, L. (2007). "The theory of contests: a survey", op cit.
- Chowdhury, S.M., Gürtler, O. (2015). "Sabotage in Contests: A Survey". Public Choice, 164, 1, 135-155.
- Ostreiher, R., Pruett-Jones, S., Heifetz, A. (2012) "Asymmetric contests at the nest". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 66, 9, 1237-1246.
4. Extensiones. Contiendas centralizadas y descentralizadas. Subastas y contiendas. Entrada. Discriminación positiva. Redes sociales.
- Azmat, G., and Möller, M. (2009). Competition amongst Contests. RAND Journal of Economics, 40, 743-768.
- Yates, A. (2011). "Winner-pay contests". Public Choice, 147, 1, 93-106.
- Brown, J. (2011) "Quitters Never Win: The (Adverse) Incentive Effects of Competing with Superstars". J. of Political Economy 119, 5, 982-1013
- Franke, J. (2012). The Incentive Effects of Leveling the Playing Field: An Empirical Analysis of Amateur Golf Tournaments". Applied Economics 44, 9, 1193-1200.
- Franke, J. (2012). "Affirmative Action in Contest Games". European Journal of Political Economy 28, 1,. 105-118.
- Calsamiglia, C., Franke, J., Rey-Biel, P. (2013). "The Incentive Effects of Affirmative Action in a Real Effort Tournament". Journal of Public Economics 15-31.
- Franke, J. and T. Öztürk (2015). Conflict Networks (2015). Journal of Public Economics, 126, 104-113
- Corchón, L., Beviá, C. (2015). "Centralized vs Decentralized Contests". http://ssrn.com/abstract=2629878 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2629878.
5. Bienestar y Contiendas. Pérdidas de bienestar del monopolio y el teorema de Coase en sociedades con búsqueda de rentas. El diseño de contiendas óptimas. Problemas de compromiso.
- Fullerton, R. L., McAfee, P. (1999). "Auctioning Entry into Tournaments". Journal of Political Economy, 107, 3, 573-605.
- Corchón, L. (2007). "The Theory of Contests: a Survey", op. cit.
- Corchón, L. and M. Dahm (2010). "Welfare Maximizing Contest Success Functions when the Planner Cannot Commit". Journal of Mathematical Economics, 47, 3, 309-317.
- Franke, J., C. Kanzow, W. Leininger and A. Schwartz (2014). "Lottery versus All Pay Auction Contests: A Revenue Dominance Theorem". Games and Economic Behavior 83, 116-126.
- Nitzan, S. and Mealem, Y. (2015). "Discrimination in Contests". WP
6. Contiendas dinámicas. Contiendas en dos etapas. Incentivos a comprometerse. ¿Quién debería jugar primero? El efecto "Desánimo". Fuerza de los contendientes endógena.
* Dixit, A. (1987). "Strategic Behavior in Contests". American Economic Review, 77, 5, 891-898.
- Baik, K. and J. Shogren (1992). "Strategic Behavior in Contests: Comment" American Economic Review, 82, 1, 359-362.
- Klumpp, T. and M. Polborn (2006). "Primaries and the New Hampshire Effect". Journal of Public Economics 90, 1073-1114.
- Konrad, K. (2012). "Dynamic Contests and the Discouragement Effect," Revue d'économie politique, 122, 2, 233-256.
- Corchón, L. and C. Beviá (2013). "Endogenous Strength in Conflicts". International Journal of Industrial Organization, 31, 3, 195-306.
7. Contiendas con empates y aplicaciones a los deportes
- Szymanski, S. (2003). "The Assessment: The Economics of Sport". Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 19, 4, 467-77.
- Cohen, C. and Sela, A. (2007). "Contests with Ties". The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 7, 1.
- Blavatskyy, P. R., (2010). "Contest success function with the possibility of a draw: axiomatization". J. of Mathematical Economics 46, 2, 267-276.
- Yildizparlak, A. (2014). "Contests with ties and application to soccer". https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267269839
8. Contiendas con información incompleta
- Malee, D., and Yates, A., (2004). "Rent seeking with private values", Public Choice, 119, 161--178.
- Wasser, C., (2013). "Incomplete information in rent-seeking contests", Economic Theory, 53, 1, 239-268
9. Experimentos
- Dechenaux, E., Kovenock, D., Sheremeta, R. (2015). "A Survey of Experimental Research on Contests,All-Pay Auctions and Tournaments". Experimental Economics, 18, 609-669.
10.Guerra. Razones de las guerras. Explicaciones racionalistas de las guerras. Son las democracias más belicosas que las dictaduras? Como evitar las guerras.
* Hirshleifer, J. (1991). "The Paradox of Power." Economics & Politics 3, 177--200.
* Skaperdas, S. (1992). "Cooperation, conflict, and power in the absence of property rights." American Economic Review 82, 4, 720-739.
* Fearon, J. (1995). "Rationalist Explanations for War." International Organization 49: 379-414.
* Bueno de Mesquita, B., Smith, A., Siverson, R., and J. Morrow (2003). The Logic of Political Survival. The MIT Press.
- Garfinkel, M. and S. Skaperdas (2007). "Economics of Conflict: An Overview." T. Sandler and K. Hartley (ed.), Handbook of Defense Economics, N. Holland.
- Jackson, M., Morelli, M. (2007). "Political Bias and War." American Economic Review 97, 4, 1353-1373.
- Jackson, M., Morelli, M. (2009). "The Reasons for Wars. An Updated Survey". C. Coyne (ed.) Handbook on the Political Economy of War, Elgar.
- Beviá, C. and L. Corchón (2010). "Peace Agreements without Commitment". Games and Economic Behavior, 68, 469--487.
- Corchón, L. and A. Yildizparlak (2013). "Give Peace a Chance: The Effect of Asymmetric Information on Peace". Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 92, 116-126
- Baliga, S. y T. Sjostrom (2013). Bargaining and War: A Review of Some Formal Models, with Tomas Sjöström, Korean Economic Review 29, 235-266