Within the framework of the subject, the following objectives are proposed:
1.- Generic of the tertiary education. As any graduate, at the end of his/her studies, he/she should have the following skills:
- Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
- Cultural curiosity, interest in learning and acquiring knowledge.
- Ability to apply their knowledge to practice.
- Ability to communicate both orally and in writing.
- Aptitude to learn and update their knowledge.
- Self-criticism.
- Competences for the approach and resolution of problems.
- Tools for negotiation and teamwork.
- Ethical commitment, being aware of the political, economic, social and legal significance of the duty to contribute to the improvement of society and the support of public expenditure.
- Ability to use computer media in order to obtain information and communicate data.
2.- Generic in the formation of the jurist. In order to be able to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Law, it is mandatory to:
- Be aware of the Law as a regulatory system of social relations, of the unitary nature of the legal system and of the necessary interdisciplinary vision of legal problems.
- Be able to use constitutional principles and values as a working tool in the interpretation of the legal system.
- Have the skills to handle the different legal sources, locating and obtaining the necessary information.
- Be able to develop legal oratory and dialectics.
- Possess basic knowledge of legal argumentation.
- Have the ability to create and structure rules and regulations.
- Be able to read and interpret legal texts.
- Know how to critically analyze the legal system.
- Know and understand the main public and private institutions in their genesis and as a whole.
- Identify and master the different ways in which Law is created.
3.- Specifics of the subject "Spanish Judicial System". In order to pass this subject, at the end of the four-month period it is necessary to:
- Know and understand:
o The different ways of solving legal conflicts.
o What is Procedural Law.
o What is the jurisdictional power and what are the functions of the Jurisdiction.
o The implications of the constitutional requirement of exclusivity in the exercise of jurisdiction.
o The model of the Judiciary, its governing bodies, composition and main competencies.
o The Spanish judicial organization and the distribution of competences among the different jurisdictional bodies.
o The status and functions of the jurisdictional personnel and of the different collaborators of the Administration of Justice.
o The basic content of the right to effective judicial protection.
o The assumptions and the procedure for the recognition of the right to free legal aid.
o The concept, structure, classes and inspiring principles of the judicial process.
o The concept, classes, characteristics and requirements of the basic procedural acts.
- Be able to:
o Distinguish the different branches of procedural law.
o Identify the sources of this discipline and delimit the fundamental content of the basic procedural laws.
o Specify the scope and organization of the Judicial Power as opposed to the rest of the public powers.
o To reconstruct the basic limits of the Spanish jurisdiction with respect to the different matters.
o Determine in the abstract the competent jurisdictional body to hear different matters.
o Argue legally their opinions and expose them both orally and in writing.
o Identify the different legal instruments, as well as to locate and use them in a rigorous manner (reading, comprehension, interpretation).
o Work in groups, carrying out and exposing works in a collective and coordinated manner.
- Know how to:
o Appreciate the importance of the Administration of Justice as an essential public service of the social and democratic State of Law.
o Critically evaluate the different institutions analyzed.
o Relate the different contents studied in such a way that they constitute an organized and coherent whole.
o Contrast and discriminate the information obtained from different sources in order to form a personal and personal criterion.