Checking date: 10/09/2022

Course: 2022/2023

Offenses against persons and society
Dual Bachelor in Law and Economics (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 174 - Estudio: 230)

Coordinating teacher: GARROCHO SALCEDO, ANA MARIA

Department assigned to the subject: Criminal Law, Procedural Law and History Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Legal theory of crime
This subject has the objectives of the acquisition by the student, the following powers: 1- Knowledge of criminal protection of human life independent and dependent or prenatal, health and bodily integrity. 2- Knowledge of criminal protection of freedom, moral integrity and sexual freedom. 3- Knowledge of criminal protection of privacy, the right to self-image, the inviolability of the home and honor. 4- Knowledge of the criminal protection of the rights of workers and foreign citizens. 5- Knowledge of the criminal protection of land planning, heritage and the environment. 6- Knowledge of the criminal protection of collective security. 7- knowledge of the crimes of falsehoods. 8- Knowledge of the criminal protection of the Administration of Justice, the Constitution, public order and the international community. 9. Ability to solve practical cases related to previous theoretical knowledge. 10- As a result of the above knowledge, critical capacity regarding criminal repression and effectiveness of it as a way of organizing living together in a social and democratic rule of law.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The program includes the study of offenses in the special part of the corresponding Penal Code to individuals and society: the killing and its forms, abortion, injuries, crimes against freedom, crimes against moral integrity, trafficking of persons, crimes against sexual freedom, dereliction of duty relief, crimes against privacy, honor crimes, offenses relating to land use, crimes against heritage, environmental crime, crimes against collective security, drug trafficking, falsehoods, crimes against the Constitution, crimes against public order, and terrorism and international crimes.
Learning activities and methodology
The contents are organized through two types of classes, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical classes the lessons of the program, which regularly individualized tutoring in the days and hours established by each teacher will be organized will be explained. In the practical classes they will be discussed and resolved cases corresponding practical lessons already explained, that will support and complement the theoretical contents. In order to maximize both the theoretical classes and practices, it is desirable that the student previously studied by a manual lessons for each topic prior to the explanation of it. It must be an updated manual since in July 2015 came into force a comprehensive reform of the Penal Code which affects very noticeable to the subject at hand manner. Acquisition of theoretical knowledge (4 ETCS). As in the theoretical, attendance to practical classes involves, prior to the class character, having read and studied practical cases provided for that week and if any resolved. Acquisition of skills (2 ECTS).
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • ALVAREZ GARCÍA, F.J. (Dir.). Derecho penal español : parte especial (2 vol.). Tirant lo Blanch. Edición posterior a 2015
  • ALVAREZ GARCÍA, F.J. (Dir.). Derecho penal español : parte especial (4 vol.). Tirant lo Blanch. Edición posterior a 2015
  • ALVAREZ GARCÍA, F.J. (Dir.). Derecho penal español : parte especial (4 volúmenes). Tirant lo Blanch. Edición posterior a 2015
  • ALVAREZ GARCÍA, F.J. (Dir.). Derecho penal español : parte especial (5 volúmenes). Tirant lo Blanch. Edición posterior a 2015
  • MUÑOZ CONDE, F.. Dercho Penal. Parte Especial. Tirant lo Blanch. Edición posterior a 2015
  • SILVA SÁNCHEZ, J-M et al.. Lecciones de derecho penal. Parte especial.. Atelier. Última ed. (posterior a 2015)

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.