Checking date: 10/12/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Professional Internships
Dual Bachelor in Law and Business Administration (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 173 - Estudio: 229)

Coordinating teacher: ZARRAGA OBERTY, CELIA MARIA

Department assigned to the subject: Business Administration Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 18.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The daily completion of the internship placement is generally incompatible with the attendance to other subjects of the degree. Therefore, it is recommended to enroll in this course only for students in the fourth course of the degree. This course there are only two compulsory subjects offered at the evening, in order to provide students with the compatibility between their regular study and work placements. But if you have materials from other courses, you may find it difficult to attend classes. Even if you do not have subjects from previous courses, few companies may impose time incompatiblilities, with the implicit risk of delaying the completion of your studies (the students accept this risk when enrolling in this subject). Once enrolled in the subject, students will receive specific instructions for the internship allocation process in the list of valid companies approved by the vice-deans team. WARNING- By the nature of this subject, the schedule for implementation of practices may not exactly match the corresponding academic semester but other periods depending on each internship position offered by the different companies
Knowledge: - Apply in a real context the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the classroom. - To acquire new skills related to the profession in a real applied context, and familiarity with updated professional trends. - Learn about the labor market situation in the corresponding professional segment. - Understand patterns of behavior in the workplace. skills: - Provide efficient and effective responses to situations and problems that require an interdisciplinary and global, linked to integrated technical and economic factors. - Ability to overcome the essences for any business organization, such as competitiveness, need to innovate, the need for continuous updating of knowledge, quality policies, relationship with internal and external customers and suppliers, decision-making in contexts of uncertainty, management efficient time and all sorts of limited resources. - Ability to take stock of the first immersion experience in the workplace: self-analysis of strengths and weaknesses. - Gain real work experience to facilitate subsequent access to employment. - Acquire skills planning and organization. - Ability to make decisions. - Ability to work under pressure. attitudes: - Be responsible behavior in carrying out the work, attendance and punctuality, motivation and interest, and so on. - Have a willingness to work together and to cooperate with others. - Initiative and proactivity. - Creativity and originality.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
All those activities undertaken by students in companies, institutions and organizations, which seek to give a practical complement, provided that these activities are relevant to the educational objectives of the grade helping also the students¿ careers. These tasks necessarilymust be developd in companies in the list by the SOPP, which contains the list of companies autorized by the univesity with training cooperation agreement enriching for the student. We do not acccept practices in other companies in this subject.
Learning activities and methodology
The students will develop practical skills, knowledge, and attitudes through internships in a company or agency for a period of time. The course will have the following development: 1) The academic supervisor will brief the students through specific meetings at the beginning of the course, in order to inform them about the general guidelines. 2) The students will be invited by companies to conduct selection interviews. 3) After passing the selection process, students will join to perform 500 hours of practice in a particular company. 4) While in the company, the student will have an academic adviser to see progress in their practices and provide technical support. We also have a tutor in the company in order to lead, guide and supervise student activity in the company. 5) For a correct follow-up of the practices, the student, every 20 days, must send an email to the academic tutor, indicating the tasks they perform in the company, the computer tools they use, the training they receive in the company, the relationship with your tutor and the rest of classmates, as well as any aspect that you consider relevant. 6) At the endo of the internship, the external tutor will send an assessment report to the university. 5) For a correct follow-up of the practices, the student, every 20 days, must send an email to the academic tutor, indicating the tasks he performs in the company. 6) Finally, the students will complete their own report on practices for evaluation.
Assessment System
The final grade in the course is based on two documents: ¿ ACTIVITY REPORT prepared by the student (40% of the grade): It is a summary of the tasks developed in the internship and the learning done. ¿ REPORT OF THE EXTERNAL TUTOR in the company (60% of the grade): It is a document with the company's evaluation of the students' work done in their internships. This evaluation will be written by the tutor in the company in a predefined document, which the students must provide him/her with.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.