Checking date: 28/08/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Radio frequency and antenna subsystems
Master in Telecommunications Engineering (Plan: 171 - Estudio: 227)

Coordinating teacher: SEGOVIA VARGAS, DANIEL

Department assigned to the subject: Signal and Communications Theory Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Students should have passed courses on Microwave circutis and antennas and electromagnetic fields and analysis and design of circuits.
The student will aquire the following skills - Capacity to design receivers and transmitters of RF, microwave and millimeters waves. - Capacity to apply advanced knowledge of high frequency electronics - Capacity to develop microwave subsystems for radiocommunications, radionavigation and radar - Capacity to develop antennas for previous subsystems - Capacity to implement cable and radio satellite communication systems.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1) Radiofrequency subsystems 1.1 Fundamentals of active and passive devices in microwave frequencies 1.1.1 Diodes 1.1.2. BJT and HBT transistors 1.1.3. JFET, MESFET and HEMT transistors 1.2 Linear and power microwave amplifiers 1.2.1. High gain microwave amplifiers 1.2.2. Low noise microwave amplifiers 1.2.3. Introduction to power microwave amplifiers 1.3 Microwave oscillators 1.4 Detectors and mixers 1.4.1. Non-linear performance of microwave diodes 1.4.2. Passive mixers 1.4.3. Active mixers 1.4.4 Detectors and phase-shifters 1.5 Introduction to microwave measurements 2) Antennas 2.1. Fundamentals on radiation parameters 2.2. Radiation integrals 2.3. Elementary antennas: dipoles, loops and patches 2.4. Array antennas: analysis 2.5. Aperture antennas: horns and reflectors 2.6. Introduction to antenna measurements
Learning activities and methodology
Three different activities are proposed: theory classes, problem classes and lab classes. The assignement of ECTS include the corresponding part of the student work. - THEORY CLASSES. These classes use electronic or classical facilities. These classes include both theory classes and exercises to clarify the explanation. The students should take part in the class in a way as positive as possible. - PROBLEMS. The students will have a collection of problems in advance so that they can prepare the solution of the problems in advance. - Lab work. They basically consist on self-contained laboratory work.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 45
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 55

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Balanis. Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design. Wiley. 2005
  • Balanis. Modern Antenna Handbook. Wiley. 2008
  • Collin . Foundations for microwave engineering. Mc Graw Hill. 1992
  • Stutzman. Antenna Theory and Design. Wiley . 1998
  • Vendelin, Pavio, Rohde. Microwave Circuit Design Using Linear and Nonlinear techniques. Wiley. 2005
Additional Bibliography
  • Kildal. Foundations of Antenna Engineering. Ed. Kildal. 2015
  • Kraus. Antennas and Wave Propagation. Mc Graw-Hill. 2016
  • Sorrentino. Microwave and RF Engineering. Wiley. 2010
Detailed subject contents or complementary information about assessment system of B.T.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.