Checking date: 24/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Industrial Robotics
Bachelor in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering (Plan: 444 - Estudio: 223)


Department assigned to the subject: Systems Engineering and Automation Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Linear Algebra Computer programming (C or FORTRAN) Control Engineering
By the end of this subject, students will be able to have: 1. Knowledge and understanding of the key aspects and concepts of industrial robotics and control methods 2. Coherent knowledge of their branch of engineering including some at the forefront of the branch in robotics 3. The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve problems of industrial robotics using established methods. 4. The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to develop and realise designs of industrial robotics systems to meet defined and specified requirements. 5. An understanding of design methodologies, and an ability to use them in industrial robotics. 6. Technical and laboratory skills. 7. The ability to select and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods in industrial robotics. 8. The ability to combine theory and practice to solve engineering problems of industrial robotics. 9. An understanding of applicable techniques and methods in robotics, and of their limitations.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Introduction 1.1 Definitions and terms 1.2 Historical evolution 1.3 Industrial Robot market and regulations 1.4 Statistics and trends in Industrial Robots Market 2. Morphology and robotic technologies 2.1 Structures and basic configurations 2.2 Review of main sub-systems: mechanical 2.3 Review of main sub-systems: actuators and drives 2.4 Review of main sub-systems: sensors 2.5 End effector and tools 3. Control architecture of Industrial controllers 3.1 Control architecture issues 3.2 Man-machine interface and communications 3.3 Controller functionalities 4. Industrial Robotic Applications 4.1 Classification 4.2 Case Studies 5. Kinematic Control 5.1 mathematical tools 5.2 Kinematic modelling 5.3 Direct and inverse kinematic problem formulation and resolution 5.4 Differential modelling 5.6 Trajectories calculus and generation 5.7 Kinematic control of trajectories 6. Dynamic modelling 6.1 Dynamic Control problem formulation 6.2 Euler-Lagrange formulation 6.3 Direct and inverse dynamics main issues 6.2 Dynamic control issues 7. Programming of robots 7.1 Classification and Programming methods 7.2 Programming languages for commercial robots 7.3 Coordinate systems and spatial references 7.4 Advanced programming concepts and methods with RAPID (ABB) 8. Industrial implantation criteria and relevant issues 8.1 Design aspects for Flexible Manufacturing Cells based on industrial robots and trends 8.2 Safety assurance in Industrial robots 8.3 Introduction to Collaborative Robots
Learning activities and methodology
- Lectures, classes in small groups, student presentations, tutorials and personal work, oriented towards acquisition of theoretical knowledge (3 ECTS). - Lab and exercises in small groups, individual tutorials and personal work, especially by final practice proposal related to simulation and programming of a robotised cell; aimed at the acquisition of practical skills related to the program of the course (3 ECTS). Practical sessions will be performed: 1. Getting started with ABB industrial robot manipulators and controllers. 2. Robot programming by demonstration and by RAPID. 3. Robot programming by means of simulation. 4. Robot programming of a simple flexible manufacturing system by means of simulation.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • A. Barrientos, L.F. Peñin, C. Balaguer, R. Aracil. Fundamentos de Robotica (2ª edicion). McGraw Hill. 1997
  • A. Ollero. Robótica: manipuladores y robots móviles. Marcombo. 2001
  • A. Rentería. Robótica Industrial. Fundamentos Y Aplicaciones. McGraw Hill. 2000
Additional Bibliography
  • Craig, John J.. Introduction to robotics : mechanics and control . Pearson Education. 2014
  • Engelberger, J.F.. Robotics in service. MIT Press. 1989
  • Paul, Richard P. Robot manipulators, mathematics, programming, and control: the computer control of robot manipulators. MIT Press. 1981
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
  • ASROB-UC3M (varios autores) · Asociación de Robótica UC3M (ASROB). Materiales variados (Bilingüe) :
  • Dpto. Automática · Diversos materiales relacionados con el aprendizaje en Robotica/ Tutoriales (bilingüe) :
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.