Upon successful completion of this content area, students will be able to:
1. Have a systematic understanding of the key concepts and aspects of its engineering branch of systems identification, optimization of controller parameters, as well as controller design through Fuzzy techniques and Neural networks
2. Have adequate knowledge of its engineering branch that includes some knowledge at the forefront of its field, especially artificial intelligence techniques based on global optimization (GA's, DE, etc.), Fuzzy and Neural Network techniques, including Deep Learning .
3. Apply their knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems using established methods, using systems identification methods, optimization of controller parameters, and the design of new neuronal controllers.
4. Apply their knowledge to develop and carry out designs that meet specific requirements of the above controllers.
5. Have an understanding of the different methods and the ability to design control systems through the global optimization of controller parameters, as well as the development of Fuzzy and Neural controllers.
6. Have technical and laboratory skills
7. Select and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods for the analysis of continuous time systems.
8. Combine theory and practice to solve engineering problems
9. Have an understanding of applicable methods and techniques and their limitations