After successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
1. Apply the knowledge acquired during the Bachelor to biomechanical studies used in research and/or companies.
2. Integrate all their knowledge to identify, formulate and solve multidisciplinary problems related to biomechanics.
3. Evaluate the kinematic and dynamic behaviour of the musculoskeletal system.
4. Know the mechanical behaviour of the different biological tissues, both hard and soft.
5. Make and manage bibliography, documentation, legislation, databases, specific software, and hardware applied to biomechanics.
6. Use the experimental techniques and engineering tools necessary for solving problems in the biomechanical field.
7. Design and carry out experimental tests in biomechanics, interpret the data and draw conclusions.
8. Interact with commercial finite element programs through code programming in Python and / or MATLAB.
9. Develop numerical models of finite elements and interpret the results correctly.
10. Communicate their conclusions and knowledge to audiences specialized in biomechanics.