By the end of this course, students will be able to have:
1.- A systematic understanding of the key aspects and concepts of internal combustion engines comprising both the reciprocating internal combustion engines and the gas turbines.
2.- A coherent knowledge of main elements and processes of internal combustion engines according to the current and forthcoming technologies.
3.- The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve problems of performance, fuel consumption and emissions of an engine by means of methods established in thermal engineering.
4.- The ability to select and apply relevant analytic and modelling methods in thermal engineering to determine the thermal and fluid dynamic behaviour of the stages of the internal combustion engine cycle as well as the cycle trends upon changes and ways to control it.
5.- The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to develop and realise designs of systems and facilities that include internal combustion engines to meet defined and specified requirements.
6.- An understanding of design methodologies in thermal engineering, and an ability to use them to evaluate the implications that the design and operation conditions have in the performance, interaction with the surroundings and reliability of the internal combustion engines.
7.- The ability to select and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods to solve problems in which the performance and operation of the elements and devices of an internal combustion engine are evaluated.
8.- The ability to combine theory and practice of thermodynamics, combustion, fluids flow, heat transfer and mechanics theories to solve problems of internal combustion engines.
9.- An understanding of applicable techniques and methods in thermal engineering and of their limitations in characterizing and designing internal combustion engines.