By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the criteria that establish the limit of classical elasticity, the behavior of materials in elasto-plastic regime and the constitutive equations that determine this relationship.
2. Analyze the response of advanced materials that incorporate viscoelastic and viscoplastic behavior.
3. Apply its knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve problems of calculation and design of components that require incorporating the inelastic behaviour of materials, by means of the use of specifically established methods.
4. Apply both analytical and numerical resolution methods in the calculation of structural problems with visco-elastic-plastic materials.
5. Apply the acquired knowledge to interpret experimental results, and to carry out designs of structural components that meet specific requirements.
6. Understand and use in an appropriate way the different methods that exist to characterize and analyze the mechanical response of materials with visco-elastic-plastic behavior.
7. Design and carry out experiments for the characterisation of materials with inelastic behaviour, as well as to interpret the data and draw conclusions.
8. Obtain technical and laboratory skills.
9. Have the ability to select and use the appropriate tools and methods to characterize materials with viscoelastic-plastic behavior.
10. Acquire the ability to combine theoretical concepts and practical exercises to solve problems involving mechanical and/or structural components in which it is required to use materials with inelastic behavior.
11. Understand the methods, both analytical and numerical, that are used in the characterization and analysis of the behavior of visco-elastic-plastic solids; being aware of the existing limitations, mainly from the analytical point of view.