Checking date: 24/01/2025

Course: 2024/2025

Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (Plan: 446 - Estudio: 221)

Coordinating teacher: VARAS DOVAL, DAVID

Department assigned to the subject: Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


By the end of this subject, students will be able to have: 1. A systematic understanding of the key aspects and concepts of elasticity on real solids. 2. The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve elasticity problems using established methods. 3. The ability to select and apply relevant analytic and modelling methods regarding the elastic behaviour. 4. The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to develop and realise designs in elastic regime to meet defined and specified requirements. 5. An understanding of design methodologies in elasticity, and an ability to use them. 6. The ability to design and conduct appropriate characterization experiments, interpret the data and draw conclusions. 7. Workshop and laboratory skills in Elasticity. 8. The ability to select and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods to solve problems in elastic regime. 9. The ability to combine theory and practice to solve problems of Elasticity. 10. An understanding of applicable techniques and methods to solve problems in elastic regime, and of their limitations.
Skills and learning outcomes
RA1.2 An systematic understanding of the key aspects and concepts of their branch of engineering. RA1.3 Coherent knowledge of their branch of engineering including some at the forefront of the branch. RA2.1 The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems using established methods. RA2.3 The ability to select and apply relevant analytic and modelling methods. RA3.1 The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to develop and realise designs to meet defined and specified requirements. RA3.2 An understanding of design methodologies, and an ability to use them. RA4.2 Rhe ability to design and conduct appropriate experiments, interpret the data and draw conclusions. RA4.3 Workshop and laboratory skills. RA5.1 The ability to select and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods. RA5.2 The ability to combine theory and practice to solve engineering problems. RA5.3 An understanding of applicable techniques and methods, and of their limitations. CB1 Students have demonstrated possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that builds on the foundation of general secondary education, and is usually at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting edge of their field of study. CB2 Students are able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem solving within their field of study. CG1 Ability to resolve problems with initiative, creativity decision-making and critical reasoning skills, and to communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities in the Industrial Engineering area. CG3 Capacity to design a system, component or process in the area of mechanical engineering in compliance with required specifications. CG9 Knowledge and capacity to apply computational and experimental tools for analysis and quantification of mechanical engineering problems. CG19 Knowledge and use of the principles of materials resistance. CE4 Knowledge and capabilities to apply the fundamentals of materials elasticity and resistance to the behavior of real solids.
Description of contents: programme
Chapter 1. Fundamentals (Number of sessions: 10) Subject 1 Equilibrium of deformable bodies Subject 2 Kinematic of deformable bodies Subject 3: Behaviour laws Chapter 2. Formulation of elasticity (Number of sessions: 3) Subject 4: Differential formulation Subject 5: Integral formulation Chapter 3. Method of resolution (Number of sessions: 3) Subject 6: Finite element Method Chapter 4. Plastification criteria (Number of sessions: 2) Subject 7: Plastification criteria: Tresca-Guest and Von Mises Chapter 5. Bidimensional elasticity (Number of sessions: 5) Subject 8: Bidimensional elasticity (I). Plain stress and strain states. Subject 9: Bidimensional elasticity (II). Polar coordinates. Chapter 6. Advanced concepts (Number of sessions: 2) Subject 10: Introduction to anisotropic elasticity Subject 11. Introduction to thermoelasticity
Learning activities and methodology
In each week one lecture session (master class) and one practical session (in reduced groups) will be taught. The first is geared to the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, and the second to the acquisition of practical skills related to theoretical concepts. In addition to this sessions four laboratory practical sessions in reduced groups (maximum 20 students) will be impart. Students will have the possibility of individual tutorials. Also, could be tutoring sessions at 15th week of the course.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Barber, J. R. (James R.) . Elasticity. Springer. 2010
  • Chou, Pei Chi . Elasticity : tensor, dyadic and engineering approaches. Dover. 1992
  • Gould, Phillip L. Introduction to Linear Elasticity. Springer. 2013
  • Ortiz Berrocal, L. Elasticidad. Ed. McGraw Hill.
Additional Bibliography
  • Bickford W.. A first course in the finite element method. Irwin Ed.
  • Chandrupatla, T.; Belegundu D.. Introducción al estudio del elemento finito en ingeniería. Ed. P. Hall.
  • Doblaré Castellano, M. y Gracia Villa, L.. Fundamentos de la Elasticidad Lineal. Ed. Síntesis,.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.