RA1.1 Knowledge and understanding of the scientific and mathematical principles underlying their branch of engineering.
RA1.4 Awareness of the wider multidisciplinary context of engineering.
RA2.2 The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to analyse engineering products, processes and methods.
RA3.2 An understanding of design methodologies, and an ability to use them.
RA5.1 The ability to select and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods.
RA5.4 An awareness of the non-technical implications of engineering practice.
RA6.1 Function effectively as an individual and as a member of a team.
RA6.3 Demonstrate awareness of the health, safety and legal issues and responsibilities of engineering practice, the impact of engineering solutions in a societal and environmental context, and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
RA6.4 Demonstrate an awareness of project management and business practices, such as risk and change management, and understand their limitations.
CB1 Students have demonstrated possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that builds on the foundation of general secondary education, and is usually at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting edge of their field of study.
CB2 Students are able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem solving within their field of study.
CG1 Ability to resolve problems with initiative, creativity decision-making and critical reasoning skills, and to communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities in the Industrial Engineering area.
CG2 Knowledge and ability to organize and manage projects. Knowledge of organizational structure and the functioning of a project office.
CG5 Sound knowledge of the concept of business, and the institutional and legal framework of a company. Business organization and management.
CG7 Knowledge, capacity to analyze and assess the social and environmental impact of technical solutions, and to apply environmental, and sustainability technologies.
CT2 Ability to establish good interpersonal communication and to work in multi-disciplinary and international teams.