Checking date: 24/01/2025

Course: 2024/2025

Machine Mechanics
Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (Plan: 446 - Estudio: 221)


Department assigned to the subject: Mechanical Engineering Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Physics I
By the end of this subject, students will be able to have: 1. The knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of kinematic and dynamic of the rigid body and machines theory and mechanisms. 2. The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve problems of kinematics and dynamics of the rigid solid and mechanisms and simple machines using established methods. 3. The ability to design and perform experiments on machine theory and mechanisms, analyse the data and draw conclusions. 4. The technical and laboratory skills in machine theory and mechanisms. 5. The ability to select and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods to solve problems of kinematics and dynamics of rhe rigid body, mechanisms and simple machines. 6. The ability to combine theory and practice to solve problems of kinematics and dynamics of rigid body, mechanisms and simple machines 7. The understanding of methods and techniques applicable in machine theory and mechanisms and their limitations.
Skills and learning outcomes
RA1.1 Knowledge and understanding of the scientific and mathematical principles underlying their branch of engineering. RA1.2 An systematic understanding of the key aspects and concepts of their branch of engineering. RA2.1 The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems using established methods. RA4.2 Rhe ability to design and conduct appropriate experiments, interpret the data and draw conclusions. RA4.3 Workshop and laboratory skills. RA5.1 The ability to select and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods. RA5.2 The ability to combine theory and practice to solve engineering problems. RA5.3 An understanding of applicable techniques and methods, and of their limitations. CB1 Students have demonstrated possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that builds on the foundation of general secondary education, and is usually at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting edge of their field of study. CB2 Students are able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem solving within their field of study. CG1 Ability to resolve problems with initiative, creativity decision-making and critical reasoning skills, and to communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities in the Industrial Engineering area. CG9 Knowledge and capacity to apply computational and experimental tools for analysis and quantification of mechanical engineering problems. CG10 Capacity to design and carry out experiments and to analyze and interpret data obtained. CG20 Knowledge of the fundamentals of mechanism and machine theory.
Description of contents: programme
1. Introduction to Mechanics. Static. Kinematics of the point. Systems of Units 1.1. Mechanics 1.2. Basics 1.3. The particle and rigid body 1.4. Static 1.5. Point Kinematics 1.6. Speed Concept 1.7. Acceleration Concept 1.8. System Units 2. Kinematics of rigid bodies 2.1. Orthonormal basis of a scalar dependent 2.2. Movement of the Rigid Solid 2.3. Instantaneous axis of rotation 2.4. Intrinsic component of acceleration 2.5. Acceleration of Rigid Solid 2.6. Movement Absolute, Relative and Drag 2.7. Speed relative motion 2.8. Acceleration in relative motion 2.9. Euler Angles 3. Dynamics of rigid 3.1. Newton's Laws 3.2. No Inertial Reference Systems 3.3. Inertia Forces 3.4. Momentum 3.5. Angular momentum 3.6. Theorem of angular momentum 3.7. Motion of a rigid body with a fixed point 3.8. Gyroscopic motion 3.9. Motion of a rigid body with a fixed axis 3.10. Equation of Motion 3.11. Calculation of reactions 3.12. Balancing of shafts 4. Mechanisms Plans 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Component parts of a mechanism 4.3. Mobility mechanisms 4.4. Four-bar linkage 4.5. Determining the relative CIR 5. Kinematics of Planar Mechanisms 5.1. Determination of rates members of a mechanism 5.2. Determination of members of an acceleration mechanism 5.3. Value of accelerations and velocities of points of kinematic pairs 5.4. Polar diagram of velocities 5.5. Polar diagram of accelerations 6. Dynamics of Planar Mechanisms 6.1. Introduction 6.2. Kineto-static analysis of planar mechanisms 6.3. Static Analysis 6.4 Theorem of virtual works 6.5. Analysis of Inertia Forces 7.5. Full Dynamic Analysis 7. Energy and Power 7.1. Work and power 7.2. Kinetic energy. Theorem of the prime movers 7.3. Potential energy 7.4. Energy Conservation 7.5. Friction Forces 4.6. Mechanical Performance
Learning activities and methodology
Master class, classroom exercises and / or laboratories and work.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.