By the end of this subject, students will be able to have:
1.- Understand the specific technical structure and theoretical-technical bases, as well as the key concepts and aspects, of metrology.
2.- Knowledge of the fundamentals of metrology that includes the contribution to the development of this science at the forefront scientific knowledge.
3.- The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve design problems of a measurement chain.
4.- A systematic understanding of the different methods for calculating uncertainties of a measurement system and the ability to use them.
5.- The ability to design measurement chains and conduct experimental tests, interpret the data and draw conclusions.
6.- Workshop and laboratory skills in the testing of machines.
7.- The ability to select and use measuring equipment appropriate to the specific objectives of an experimental test.
8.- An understanding of test methods and techniques applicable in machine testing and their limitations.
9.- Function effectively as an individual and as a member of a team.