Checking date: 17/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Engineering for digital transformation
Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering (Plan: 489 - Estudio: 218)

Coordinating teacher: SANCHEZ SEGURA, MARIA ISABEL

Department assigned to the subject: Computer Science and Engineering Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
No previous requirements.
Learn and apply techniques to help identify digital transformation solutions aligned with the business and strategic objectives of organisations.
Skills and learning outcomes
Link to document

Description of contents: programme
-The role of the Software Engineer within the digital transformation of business process. -Software engineering economics and the digital transformation -Tools for risk management in the digitalization process -Application to a real case study
Learning activities and methodology
Seminars and lectures supported by computer and audiovisual aids. Practical learning based on cases and problems, and exercise resolution. Individual and group or cooperative work with the option of oral or written presentation. Individual and group tutorials to resolve doubts and queries about the subject. Internships and directed laboratory activities.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 10
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 90

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Maria-Isabel Sanchez-Segura, Antonio de Amescua-Seco, Fuensanta Medina-Dominguez, German Dugarte-Peña, Arturo Mora-Soto. Knowledge, People, and Digital Transformation: Approaches for a Sustainable Future. Tittle of the participation: Altus: A Process-Oriented Knowledge Governance Maturity Model. Pages 133-162.. Springer. ISBN: 1431-1941. 2020
  • Maria-Isabel Sanchez-Segura, Germán Dugarte-Peña, Antonio de Amescua, Fuensanta Medina-Domínguez. . Exploring how the intangible side of an organization impacts its business model. Kybernetes. 2020
  • Maria-Isabel Sanchez-Segura, Germán Dugarte-Peña, Antonio de Amescua, Fuensanta Medina-Domínguez. . Exploring how the intangible side of an organization impacts its business model. Kybernetes. 2020
  • María-Isabel Sánchez-Segura, Fuensanta Medina-Domínguez, Antonio de Amescua, German-Lenin Dugarte-Peña. Knowledge governance maturity assessment can help software engineers during the design of business digitalization projects. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. 2020
  • P. Bourque and R.E. Fairley. Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge, Version 3.0. IEEE Computer Society. 2014

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.