- Capacity to analyze and synthesize
- Capacity to organize and plan the work
- Capacity to manage resources in an efficient way.
- Capacity to put in practice theoretical concepts in different use cases.
- Oral and written skills
- Working as a team
a. Cognitive (to know).
- Knowledge in Design for all, accessibility and users affected by the digital divide in Information and Communication systems.
- Knowledge of legislation and national and international standards in relation to accessibility and design for all in information systems.
- Knowledge of methods and tools to support software process activities in information systems with a user-centred Design that allow integrating accessibility requirements as well as Design for all.
- Knowledge about how to include Design for all and accessibility policies in organizations
- Knowledge about accessibility quality
b. Procedural/instrumental (to be able to do).
- To be able to identify requirements about user needs concerning functional diversity and accessibility barriers in information systems.
- To be able to identify requirements about user needs in assistive technologies for design for all information technologies compatible with information systems.
- Ability to integrate solutions in a case study in an organization devoted to software development with an interest in accessibility and Design for all.
- Ability to apply mandatory laws inaccessibility and Design for all issues in the software development process.
- Ability of modelling considering accessibility requirements in the software development process.
- Ability to use methodological frameworks following a Design for all approach in developing accessible information systems.
- Ability to use evaluation frameworks for accessibility
- Ability to use assistive technologies and developing and evaluate tools concerning accessibility.
- Ability to design and evaluating accessible information systems in web environments following standards.
- Ability to include mechanisms in organizational strategy with the objective of seizing opportunities to market demand as well as to enhance corporate social responsibility policy.
c. Attitude (Being)
- Ability to work as a multidisciplinary team together with final users.
- Analyse, evaluate and conclude with the different accessible solutions for a given use case.
- Personal development in Design for all and accessibility matters.
- Capability of autonomous learning for the professional future in the area of design for all and accessibility.
- To keep in mind always accessibility and diversity of users and final devices in information systems.
- To have an interest in government e-inclusion policies as well as of different international organizations.