Checking date: 20/06/2022

Course: 2024/2025

Professional Internships
Academic Program of Computer Engineering via Bachelor in Computer Engineering (Plan: 509 - Estudio: 218)

Coordinating teacher: LINARES LOPEZ, CARLOS

Department assigned to the subject: Computer Science and Engineering Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
1. The student must request a place for practices in the period established. 2. Students with an assigned place will be enrolled in the subject even if they do not have a company assigned at the moment. 3. The Orientation & Employment Service (O&E) is responsible for assigning a company, previously validated by the Director of the Degree,
The goal of this subject is to allow the student to complete its formation with a period of external intership in a company. External internships reinforces the formation of the students and provides an aditional laboral formation with singular value for their professional career.
Skills and learning outcomes
Link to document

Description of contents: programme
As content is understood all those activities carried out by students in companies, entities and organizations, which aim to provide a practical complement (or academic-practical complement) to academic training provided that such activity is related to their academic training and their possible career opportunities. In particular, the training objective of the practice will necessarily include the following aspects: Tasks to be developed by the student. Knowledge that the student will acquire. If the student will participate in design, planning or development tasks. Within which projects or areas will the practices be framed. Tools that will be used.
Learning activities and methodology
Internship Work 5 ECTS To develop instrumental competences and many generic ones, as cooperative work team, capacity to apply computer engineering concepts to the company work, work planning and organization, and analysis and synthesis of information. Moreover, the external internship is conceived to develop attitudinal competences. The internship consists of a company stay to make a real-world project in dependence of a professional company advisor Evaluation: 1 ECTS The student must write a report of the internship and make an oral presentation to show the work developed in the company to prove that the internship goals have been fullfilled, and the competences to be acquired have been correctly acquired.
Assessment System
The evaluation system includes the evaluation of the activities carried out during the internship in the company. For this, the following elements will be used: - Report of the tutor in the company. The academic tutor of the UC3M will request this report from the tutor of the company. - Student report: of the work done during the practice. The student will do it according to the instructions published in Aula Global to which he or she will have access once enrolled in the subject. Both elements will give a 100% rating. The academic tutor at UC3M, based on the above documents, will assess the work according to the form established for this purpose. Students who do not present the report will be rated as NOT SUBMITTED. The tutor must send the assessment record with this grade. If the student gives up the practice for which the subject has been validated and enrolled without having reached enough number of hours to pass the subject, he or she will be graded as NOT SUBMITTED because will not be able to present the report.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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