Checking date: 31/05/2013

Course: 2013/2014

Artificial intelligence in the entertainment industry
Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering (2011 Study Plan) (Plan: 256 - Estudio: 218)

Coordinating teacher: FUENTETAJA PIZAN, RAQUEL

Department assigned to the subject: Computer Science and Engineering Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Artificial Intelligence
Ability to solve problems, both individually and in a team (PO a,b,c,d,e,k) - Work in teams to analyze and design computer solutions (PO a,b,c,d) - Ability to analyze and synthesize (PO a,b,c) - Ability of organization and planning (PO b,c,d) - Ability of information management (information acquisition and analysis) (PO a,b,k) - Ability to make decisions (PO a,b,c,d,e) - Motivation for quality and continuous improvement (PO b) - Oral and written communication (PO g) - Critical reasoning (PO a,b,d) - Basic knowledge on artificial intelligence applied to entertainment industry (PO a) - Ability to interpret functional specifications towards the development of applications for entertainment industry (PO a,b,c,e) - Perform detailed analysis and design of computer applications for entertainment industry (PO a,b,c,e,k)
Description of contents: programme
1. Introduction: IA in the entertainment industry 2. Non Playing Characters (NPCs) programming 2.1 Movement 2.2 Path finding 2.2.1. path finding: basic techniques 2.2.2. path finding: advanced techniques 2.3 Decision Making 2.3.1. Introduction to programming techniques 2.3.2. Finite state machines 2.3.3. Decision trees and rule-based systems 2.3.4. Goal-oriented behaviour 2.4. Tactic and strategy 2.5. Machine Learning 2.6. Board games 3. Interfaces and design 4. Applications
Learning activities and methodology
Lectures (1 ECTS) Oriented, among others, towards the competences related to knowledge of concepts, relations among them, techniques to be used, or ways to analyze and synthesize knowledge (PO a) Practice (3 ECTS) Oriented, among others, towards the competences related to work in teams, problem solving, work organization, or oral (presentation in public of projects or homeworks) and written communication (written reports on their homeworks and projects) (PO b,c,d,e,g,k) Individual work (2 ECTS) Oriented, among others, towards the competences related to planning, analysis, synthesis, critic reasoning, or concept acquisition (PO a,c,e,g)
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 30
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 70

Basic Bibliography
  • David M. Bourg, Glenn Seemann. AI for game developers. O'Reilly. 2004
  • Ian Millington, John Funge. Artificial Intelligence for Games. Morgan Kaufmann. 2009
  • Steve Rabin. AI game programming wisdom (1,2,3,4). Charles River Media. 2002-2008
Additional Bibliography
  • Mat Buckland. Programming Game AI by Example. Wordware Pub. 2004
  • Brian Schwab. AI game engine programming. Course Technology. 2008
  • S. Russell, P. Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Prentice Hall. 2010

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.