The objectives of the course are 1) to introduce the basic concepts of signals and systems with an emphasis on their use in communication, and 2) as particularization of the above, to introduce the basic concepts of electric circuit analysis.
- Analysis and synthesis
- Problem solving
- Ability to apply theoretical concepts
- Ability to integrate knowledge
2.1.- cognitive
- Signal concepts
- Signal representation of physical magnitudes
- Classification of signals: continuous and discrete time
- Time operations: time reversal, scaling, time-shift
- Signal operations: integration, differentiation
- Basic signals: unit impulse and step; exponentials.
- Signal Synthesis.
- System concepts
- Interconnection: series, parallel, feedback
- Properties: memory, causality, time invariance, BIBO stability, linearity
- Impulse and step response
- Signal Processing
- Convolution, Filtering
- Electric Circuit Analysis
- Kirchhoff Laws
- Node-voltage and mesh current methods
- Resistive circuits
- First-order filters.
- Sinusoidal steady-state analysis.
2.2.- Instrumental
- Programming with signal processing software (Matlab)
- Signal and Systems simulation
- Analysis and synthetisis of basic electric circuits.
- Using lab. equipment to monitor the circuit implementations
2.3 Attitude
- Individual and team work
- Decision making
- Abstraction ability.