Checking date: 18/05/2020

Course: 2019/2020

Systems and Circuits
Bachelor in Sound and Image Engineering (Plan: 441 - Estudio: 214)

Coordinating teacher: PABLO GONZALEZ, MARIA LUZ

Department assigned to the subject: Signal and Communications Theory Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Engineering and Architecture

Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Calculus I, Linear Algebra, Physics
The objectives of the course are 1) to introduce the basic concepts of signals and systems with an emphasis on their use in communication, and 2) as particularization of the above, to introduce the basic concepts of electric circuit analysis. To achieve these goals, the student must acquire the following ABET program outcomes: a, b, e, k. Related to the following competences: 1.- General competences - Analysis and synthesis (PO: b) - Problem solving (PO: a, e, k) - Ability to apply theoretical concepts (PO: a, b, e, k) - Ability to integrate knowledge (PO: a, b) 2.- Specific competences 2.1.- cognitive (PO: a, b, e, k) - Signal concepts - Signal representation of physical magnitudes - Classification of signals: continuous and discrete time - Time operations: time reversal, scaling, time-shift - Signal operations: integration, differentiation - Basic signals: unit impulse and step; exponentials. - Signal Synthesis. - System concepts - Interconnection: series, parallel, feedback - Properties: memory, causality, time invariance, BIBO stability, linearity - Impulse and step response - Signal Processing - Convolution, Filtering - Electric Circuit Analysis - Kirchhoff Laws - Node-voltage and mesh current methods - Resistive circuits - First-order filters. - Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. 2.2.- Instrumental (PO: b, e, k) - Programming with signal processing software (Matlab) - Signal and Systems simulation - Analysis and synthetisis of basic electric circuits. - Using lab. equipment to monitor the circuit implementations 2.3 Attitude (PO: e, k) - Individual and team work - Decision making - Abstraction ability.
Description of contents: programme
1. Signals 1.1 Properties of the signals: regularity, symmetry 1.2 Characterization of signals: energy and average power. RMS value 1.3 Basic operations with signals: time reversal, scaling, shifting 1.4 Basic signals. 1.5 Vectorial interpretation of signals 1.6 Introduction to the Fourier Series 2. Systems 2.1 Introduction 3. Linear Circuits 3.1 Ohm Law 3.2 Kirchkoff Laws 3.3 Circuits resolution methodologies 3.4 Superposition 4 Reactive Linear Circuits 4.1 Impedances 4.2 Circuits Theory applied to reactive circuits 2.2 Interconnection of systems: series, parallel and feedback systems 2.3 Properties of the systems: causality, stability, time invariance, linearity 2.4 Linear Time-Invariant Systems (LTI) 2.5 Convolution 2.6 Properties of the SLIT 2.7 Unit Step response 2.8 Interconnection of the SLIT 3. Resistive Circuits 3.1 The electrical case: passive and active circuit elements 3.2 Resolution of circuits by means of Kirchhoff Laws 3.3 Node-Voltage and Mesh-current analysis 3.4 Source Transformations 3.5 Thèvènin and Norton Equivalent Circuits 4. Filters: Time behavior 4.1 Analysis in the time domain of filters 4.2 Auxiliary and Initial conditions 4.3 Properties: Linearity and Time-Invariace of the filters 4.4 Analysis of First-order Filters 4.5 Analysis of Second-order Filters 5. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis 5.1 Phasor 5.2 Impedance 5.3 Kirchhoff Laws in the phasor domain 5.4 Circuit Analysis in the phasor domain 5.5 Power
Learning activities and methodology
The course consists of the following elements: lectures, exercises, tutorials, and laboratories: LECTURES (2.5 ECTS) (PO: a, k) The lectures provide the students with explanation of the core material in the course. Numerous examples of signals and systems, their properties and behavior will be given using audiovisual support (slides, video, ...). In the second part of the course, the analysis and design of simple electric circuits will be discussed. In both parts, the basic objective is that students understand basic fundamentals in a qualitatively way. EXERCISES (2.5 ECTS) (PO: a, k) In these sessions, students will be encouraged to organize themselves forming small groups that will have to solve some basic problems given in advance. LABORATORIES (1 ECTS) (PO: a, b, k) The laboratories provide the students with hands-on experience to understand the fundamentals of signals, systems and circuits. Some basic signals processing demos and simple electric circuits will be analyzed. Students will also learn how to use of Matlab for signal processing and circuit analysis. Students must come prepared for the laboratory sessions.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, with S. Hamid. Signals and Systems. Prentice Hall; 2 edition (August 16, 1996). 1996
  • James W. Nilsson, Susan Riedel. Electric Circuits. Prentice Hall; 9 edition (January 13, 2010). 2010

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.