Checking date: 01/09/2022

Course: 2024/2025

Professional Internships
Bachelor in Humanities (Plan: 407 - Estudio: 213)

Coordinating teacher: TIBURCIO MORENO, ERIKA

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 12.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
They may enroll in Work Experience all students who have completed the first two years of the degree.
Skills: -Give Effective and efficient responses to situations and problems that require an interdisciplinary and global vision -Ability To overcome the constraints that develop in any organization businesswoman competitiveness, need for innovation, need to constantly update the knowledge, quality policies, decision making under uncertainty, efficient time management and all kinds of limited resources . Ability to take stock of the first immersion experience in the workplace: self-analysis of strengths and weaknesses. To acquire real work experience to facilitate subsequent access to employment. To acquire skills of organization and planning. Ability to make decisions. Attitudes: -Have Responsible behavior during the performance of work: attendance and punctuality, motivation and interest, etc. -Have A provision for teamwork and cooperate with others -Inciative And creativity
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The contents of internships depend on the type of activities and organization that are conducted and , in any case, its specification is subject to the prior approval of the training project by the academic tutor.
Learning activities and methodology
Students must acquire and demonstrate through their work experience in a company or organization for a specified period (a minimum of 300 hours, corresponding to 12 ECTS credits of the subject, to which you can add as many hours as desired non-curricular "complementary practices") a set of knowledge and skills through the following guidelines: -the academic tutor performs specific briefings to students on the subject, with the aim of reporting guidelines to follow; -Students made, if applicable, selection interviews in the states where they want to practice; -superado the selection process, the student shall undertake practices; -during the implementation of practices, the student will have an academic tutor to keep abreast of the progress of their practices and to receive the necessary support. Also, you have a responsibility in the external body in order to direct, guide and supervise their activity; -Finally, students will do a report on the practices, which will be considered for evaluation.
Assessment System
The assessment of knowledge and skills will be held from two reports: a) A report provided by the tutor in the company on the practice carried out following the existing model for it. b) A report prepared by the student must be submitted by the deadline, once completed practices. This report will consist of a text of 2,500 words, approximately (about 5 pages). This report must include comments and reflections on: 1. Activities during the probationary period (could, therefore, be included as annexes documents). 2. The training capacity of these practices. 3. The link with the powers of the Grade (practical relationship with the contents seen during the race). The academic tutor will determine in its rating the degree of compliance with the objectives and the acquisition of knowledge and skills of the degree. The final grade will be obtained from the score assigned in both documents (20%: student report; 80%: company report).

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.