Checking date: 09/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Spanish semantics and pragmatics
Bachelor in Humanities (Plan: 407 - Estudio: 213)

Coordinating teacher: PAVON LUCERO, MARIA VICTORIA

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The student needs a perfect command of Spanish and its orthography to pass this subject.
The goal of this subject is the student´s formation in the meaning analysis of the words, the types of semantic relationship established between them and the meaning that is acquired when they are used in a specific context. The student is expected to be able: - To understand the phenomena of the meaning in its linguistic ambit. - To determine the general dimensions of the meaning. - To distinguish between lexical, grammatical and sentence meaning. - To distinguish between homonym and synonym phenomena. - To understand that words are semantically related and in different levels: inclusion, exclusion, identity and opposition relations. - To assume that the lexical meaning may change and to take into account the importance of metaphor and metonymy in this process. - To distinguish between semantic and pragmatic processes in the assignation of the meaning to the sentences. - To explain how the inferential processes, which help to the interpretation, are realized. - To analyze the argumentative mechanisms which allow getting specific conclusions. - To determine the principles which take place in the coherence and cohesion of the texts.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The programme is divided into two main parts. The first one focuses on semantic aspects, preferably, lexical semantics. So, different aspects related to words meaning will be studied and the connections which, from a semantic point of view, exist between them, because the vocabulary of a language is not constituted by a group of isolated units, but by a network which allows us to organize them properly. The second one focuses on the analysis of the contextual factors that take place in the interpretation of the sentences processes and that determine its concrete meaning. I. SEMANTICS 1. General aspects about Semantics 1.1. Semantics. 1.2. Linguistic meaning. 2. Lexical Semantics 2.1. Lexical ambiguity 2.2. Homonym 2.3. Polysemy 2.4. Vagueness 3. Meaning relations 3.1. Identity and similarity relations: synonymy. 3.2. Inclusion relations. 3.3. Exclusion and opposition relations. 4. Meaning extensions 4.1. Literal and not literal meaning. 4.2. Metaphor and metonymy 4.3. Relations of meaning between propositions II. PRAGMATICS 5. Pragmatic perspective 5.1. Linguistic communication. Communication components. 5.2. Problems with the classical communication scheme 5.3. Meaning and interpretation. 5.4. The elements of pragmatic analysis 6. Speech acts 6.1. Austins's speech acts theory. 6.2. Searle's speech acts theory. 7. Pragmatic inferences and implications 7.1. Codification and inference processes. 7.2. The cooperation principle. 7.3. The relevance theory. 8. Argumentation in language 8.1. The argumentation in the language. 8.2. Argumentative orientation. 8.3. Argumentative connectors and operators. 8.4. The argumentative strength. 8.5. Argumentative functions. 9. Textual coherence and cohesion mechanisms 9.1. Textual coherence and cohesion. Basic principles for a coherent text. 9.2. Cohesion. 9.2.1. Linguistic mechanisms to ensure cohesion. 9.2.2. The discourse markers.
Learning activities and methodology
CLASS ACTIVITIES The subject is divided into two types of lessons: theoretical and practical, although a practical focus will be present in almost every session. In the theoretical classes each theme will be explained, considering, specially, those relevant aspects or those which, due to its difficulty, are in need of a slower attention. The practical lessons will consist, overall, in texts analysis and exercises. Also, the students will prepare an oral presentation of some of the studied themes and draft a variety of written texts. INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITIES In addition to attending the theoretical and practical sessions, the students should do other activities out of the room in an individual way. These activities will be marked in the chronogram and they will focus on the next aspects: - Theoretical study. The study of the contents related to the theoretical classes: to study themes; work in the library; recommended reads. - Practical study: the realization of the proposed exercises, to consult bibliography. - Practical works: to prepare individual activities in a group and to present them in class and, later, to give them to the teacher. - To read the proposed reads. - To prepare the final writing exam. DISTRIBUTION OF THE WORK. In-Class/virtual work: 60 hours. - Individual work: 90 hours. - Total work: 150 hours (6 ECTS) TUTORIALS. There will be two hours of tutorials every week.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ALBA-JUEZ, Laura / MACKENZIE, J. Lachland. Pragmatics. Cognition, context, culture. Madrid, McGraw-Hill. 2016
  • CASAS GÓMEZ, Miguel,. Las relaciones léxicas,. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 1999.
  • CRUSE, D. A.,. Meaning in language. An introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics,. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004.
  • DE MIGUEL, Elena (ed.),. Panorama de la lexicología,. Barcelona, Ariel, 2009.
  • ESCANDELL VIDAL, María Victoria,. Introducción a la pragmática,. Barcelona, Ariel, 2006.
  • GARCÉS GÓMEZ, María Pilar. La organización del discurso. Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2008.
  • GARCÍA MURGA, Fernando. Semántica. Madrid, Síntesis. 2015
  • GUTIÉRREZ ORDÓÑEZ, Salvador,. Introducción a la semántica funcional,. Madrid, Síntesis, 1996.
  • GUTIÉRREZ ORDÓÑEZ, Salvador,. De Semántica y Pragmática,. Madrid, Síntesis, 2002.
  • LAKOFF, GEORGE. Don¿t think of an elephant: Progressive values and the framing wars. A progressive guide to action. Chelsea Green Publishing. 2004
  • LYONS, John. Semántica,. Barcelona, Teide,. 1997.
  • LYONS, John,. Lenguaje, significado y contexto, . Barcelona, Paidós, . 1981.
  • MASID BLANCO, OCARINA. La metáfora. Arco Libros. 2019
  • OTAOLA OLANO, Concepción,. Lexicología y semántica léxica: teoría y aplicación a la lengua española,. Madrid, Ediciones Académica, 2004.
  • PONS BORDERÍA, Salvador. Conceptos y aplicaciones de la Teoría de la Relevancia, . Madrid, Arco Libros, . 2004
  • PORTOLÉS, José,. Pragmática para hispanistas,. Madrid, Síntesis, 2004.
  • REYES, Graciela,. El abecé de la pragmática,. Madrid, Arco Libros, 1994.
  • RIEMER, N., . Introducing Semantics,. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,. 2010.
  • TESO MARTÍN, Enrique del. Compendio y ejercicios de semántica 1. Madrid, Arco Libros, 2002.
  • TESO MARTÍN, Enrique del. Compendio y ejercicios de semántica 2. Madrid, Arco Libros, 2007.
  • VARIOS AUTORES. Semántica. Madrid, Akal. 2014
  • VELA DELFA, CRISTINA/ CANTAUTTO, LUCÍA. Los emojis en la interacción digital escrita. Arco Libros. 2021
Additional Bibliography
  • BERTUCELLI-PAPI, M.,. ¿Qué es la pragmática?. Barcelona, Paidós,. 1996.
  • BROWN, G. / YULE, G.,. Análisis del discurso,. Madrid, Visor, 1993.
  • CASADO VELARDE, M.,. Introducción a la gramática del texto en español,. Madrid, Arco Libros, 1995.
  • ESCANDELL, V., . Fundamentos de semántica composicional, . Barcelona, Ariel, . 2004.
  • FUENTES, C. / ALCAIDE, E. R.,. Mecanismos lingüísticos de persuasión,. Madrid, Arco Libros, 2002.
  • LAKOFF, G. / JOHNSON, M.,. Metaphors We Live by,. Chicago, 1980. (Traducción española. Metáforas de la vida cotidiana, Madrid, Cátedra.).
  • LYONS, J.,. Semántica,. Barcelona, Teide, 1989.
  • MOESCHLER, J. / REBOUL, A., . Diccionario enciclopédico de pragmática, . Madrid, Arrecife, . 1999.
  • NÚÑEZ, R. / DEL TESO, E.,. Semántica y pragmática del texto común,. Madrid, Cátedra, 1996.
  • SPERBER, D. / WILSON, D.,. Relevance,. Oxford, Blackwell, 1995, 2ª ed. revisada y aumentada.
  • THOMAS, J., . Meaning in Interaction, . Londres, Longman, . 1995.
  • VERSCHUEREN, Jef. Para comprender la pragmática. Madrid, Gredos, 2003.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.