Checking date: 09/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Bachelor in Humanities (Plan: 407 - Estudio: 213)

Coordinating teacher: MANUEL VALDES, CARLOS

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Arts and Humanities

Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
It is intended that students acquire the basic knowledge for understanding geography as a discipline of knowledge that explains not only the spatial distribution of the phenomena , but also the interrelationships between humans and the physical environment and territorial manifestations of relations social . In this sense , an effort is made to highlight the importance of space - territorial dimension as crucial to the understanding of many processes and problems of contemporary societies factor , providing basic knowledge of the humanities geographical perception. In addition, the student is introduced to the knowledge of documentary sources of geographic character (cartography, databases, graphics), their analysis and interpretation.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
This course offers students an introduction to geographical knowledge, led to his training as a graduate in Humanities. Therefore, it affects the relationship between man and the environment and spatial manifestations of productive activities and distribution. The essential techniques for obtaining, processing and interpretation of geographic information is also provided. ITEM 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE GEOGRAPHY. 1. Definitions and main branches in Geography. 2. The concept of geographical space and other central concepts in the discipline. 3. Geography in the system of science: relations and distinctive principles. ITEM 2. CARTOGRAPHY. AN INTRODUCTION. 1. Cartography and mapping. 2. Sources of information and resources in geography. ITEM 3. 1. THE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE. 1. Concepts, methods, trends and themes. 2. Today's geography. ITEM 4. POPULATION GEOGRAPHY. 1. Purpose and sources. 2. Evolution and distribution of the population in the world. 3. Natural Dynamics and structure of the population. 4. Migratory movements. 5. Population policies and prospects. ITEM 5. URBAN SPACES. 1. Historical perspective of the city. 2. Industrial Revolution and associated urban theories. 3. Morphology and urban structure; types of cities. 4. contemporary urban transformations. 5. The process of urbanization in the world. ITEM 6. RELATIONS SOCIETY AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: ISSUES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES. 1. The interaction human-natural: impacts, risks and resources. 2. The humanization of the environment. 3. Society and nature in the history of Western thought. 3. Characterization and spatial distribution of environmental problems. 4. The ideas of environmental crisis and global change. ITEM 7. NATURAL AND RURAL AREAS. Rural geography, rural areas and urban space. Elements and types of agricultural landscapes: traditional and evolving farming systems. Processes, functions and changes in rural areas. Rural areas not cultivated: mountains and forests. Spatial planning and rural areas. Rural villages. ITEM 8. POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. 1. Basic concepts: political geography, geopolitics and geostrategy. Major geopolitical contemporary theories and models. 2. The state and its territorial components. 3. The formation of the contemporary political map. Borders and territorial dynamics of states. 4. Current trends and prospects for the world political map in the context of globalization.
Learning activities and methodology
The subject has a content profile of theoretical and practical , with the aim of providing basic geographic information and knowledge. This theoretical component will be developed through the presentation of content by the teacher, reading and commentary of selected texts and documents , as well as classroom discussion of key issues from a geographic perspective of the humanities . The practical part will be developed , on the one hand , by carrying out a series of works , individual and group activities, by the student, that serve to apply knowledge acquired in theory sessions ; on the other, and to complement the analysis of the geographic areas and the relations between society and the natural environment by conducting two day trips each lasting.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 35
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 65

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • CHARVET, J.P.; SIVIGNON, M.. Géographie Humaine. Questions du monde contemporain. Armand Colin. 2002
  • DIAMOND, J.. Colapso. Debate. 2007
  • GOODLAND, R. y otros. Medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenible. Más allá del Informe Brundtland. Trotta. 1997
  • LE BRAS, H.. Los límites del planeta. Mitos de la naturaleza y de la población. Ariel. 1997
  • LIVI-BACCI, M.. Historia mínima de la población mundial. Ariel. 1990
  • LOMBORG, B.. El ecologista escéptico. Espasa Calpe. 2003
  • LÓPEZ DE LUCIO, R.. Ciudad y urbanismo a finales del siglo XX. Universitat de Valencia. 1993
  • MURPHY, A.B.. Geografía. Alianza Editorial. 2018
  • ORTEGA CANTERO, N.. Geografía y Cultura. Alianza Universidad. 1987
  • PINCHEMEL, P.. La face de la Terre. Éléments de Géographie. Armand Colin. 1997
  • ROMERO, J.. Geografía Humana. Ariel. 2004
  • SCHLÖGEL, K.. En el espacio leemos el tiempo. Sobre Historia de la Civilización y Geopolitica. Siruela. 2007

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.