Checking date: 22/06/2020

Course: 2020/2021

Discourse Analysis
Bachelor in Humanities (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 156 - Estudio: 213)

Coordinating teacher: GARCES GOMEZ, MARIA PILAR

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The student needs a perfect domain of Spanish and its orthography to pass this subject.
COMPETENCES AND SKILLS THAT WILL BE ACQUIRED AND LEARNING RESULTS COMPETENCES: The object of this subject is that the student acquires a general vision of the Discourse Analysis discipline, its main concepts, theories and applications, as much as its focuses variety. Through a methodology based on different points of view, we will analyze the oral and written speech characteristics and the texts types. The student is pretended to be able to: - Identify and to know the different Discourse Analysis Theories and the different types of analysis, corresponded to the different points of view included in the program. - To analyze, from a discursive perspective, different types of texts, taking into account the different perspectives, unit¿s types, strategies and discursive functions. - To determine the practical application of those analysis to different texts.
Description of contents: programme
The program is organized in tree main groups. The first one focuses on the notion of discourse analysis, the analysis units and the disciplines which study them, as much as the modalities of speech realization, oral and written. The second one focuses on the main aspects for the discursive study, such as text types, ways of textual or discursive organization and the aspects related to textual variation. The third one is related to specific analysis of different text types and the determination of their characteristics. DISCOURSE ANALYSIS 1. Methodological proposals in the discourse analysis 1.1. Discourse notion 1.2. Disciplines in the discourse analysis 1.3. Methodological proposals in the discourse analysis 2. Discourse units 2.1. Oral and wrtiten modality 2.2. Discoursive units 2.3. Conversation 3. Digital discourse 3.1. Digital discourses characteristics 3.2. Discoursive modalities 3.3. Digital genders 4. Textual typologies 4.1. Written text 4.1. Textual typologies 5. Discourse organization ways 5.1. Discourse organization models 5.2. Sequences and prototypes 6. Textual variation 6.1. Register 6.2. Situational factors 6. Digital discourse 6.1. Digital discourses characteristics 6.2. Discoursive modalities 6.3. Digital genders 3. Textual typologies 3.1. Written text 3.1. Textual typologies
Learning activities and methodology
The subject is divided into two types of lessons: theoretical and practical, although a practical focus will be present in almost every session. In the theoretical classes, online, each theme will be explained, considering, specially, those relevant aspects or those which, due to its difficulty, are in need of a slower attention. The practical lessons, in-person, will consist, overall, in texts analysis and exercises. Also, the students will prepare, in a group, an oral presentation of some of the studied themes and they will write a text about those presentations. Besides the online and in-person sessions, the student should make other individual activities out of the room, that will be signed in the subject chronogram and that will be focused on the next aspects: - Theoretical study. To study the contains related to the theoretical classes: to study the themes, to work on the library, recommended texts, etc. - Practical study. To make some exercise, to consult bibliography, etc. - Practical works. To prepare individual or in-group work and to present it in class and to give it to the teacher. - To read the bibliography. - To prepare the final written exam. WORK HOURS: - In class work (online/in-person): 60 hours - Individual work: 90 hours. - Total work: 150 hours (6 ECTS) TUTORIALS There will be two hours of virtual tutorials every week.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • ADAM, J. M. / LORDA, C. U. (1999):. Lingüística de los textos narrativos. Barcelona, Ariel..
  • ALBA JUEZ, L. (2005):. Discourse Analysis for University Students. Madrid, UNED..
  • ALCAIDE, E. / BRENES, P. / FUENTES, C. (eds.) . Aproximaciones a la (des)cortesía verbal en español. Bern, Peter Lang. 2011
  • BASSOLS, M. / TORRENT, A. M. (1997):. Modelos textuales. Barcelona, Eumo Octaedro..
  • BRAVO, D. / BRIZ. A. (eds.). Pragmática sociocultural: estudios sobre el discurso de cortesía en español. Barcelona. Ariel
  • FUENTES, C. . Lingüística pragmática y análisis del discurso. Madrid, Arco Libros. 2015
  • MANCERA, A. / PANO, A.. El español coloquial en las redes sociales. Madrid, Arco Libros. 2013
  • SCHIFFRIN, D. / TANNEN, D. / HAMILTON, H. (eds.) (2001):. Handbook of Discourse Analysis. New York, Blackwell..
Additional Bibliography
  • CASADO VELARDE, MANUEL (1995):. Introducción a la gramática del texto en español. Madrid, Arco Libros..
  • GARCÍA NEGRONI, Mª. M. / TORDESILLAS COLADO, M. (2001):. La enunciación en la lengua. Madrid, Gredos..
  • HAVERKATE, H. (1994):. La cortesía verbal. Madrid, Gredos..
  • MAINGUENEAU, D. (1980):. Introducción a los métodos de análisis del discurso. Buenos Aires, Hachette..
  • ROULET, E. y otros (2001):. Un modèle et un instrument d¿analyse de l¿organisation du discours. Bern, Peter Lang..
  • RUIZ GURILLO, L. y PADILLA, X. (eds.), . Dime cómo ironizas y te diré quién eres,. Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 2009.
  • SPERBER, Dan y WILSON, Deirdre (1995):. Relevance. Oxford, Blackwell, 2ª ed. revisada y aumentada..
  • YUS RAMOS, F., . Ciberpragmática. El uso del lenguaje en Internet, . Barcelona, Ariel, . 2001.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.