Checking date: 08/05/2020

Course: 2019/2020

Theory of Literature
Bachelor in Humanities (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 156 - Estudio: 213)

Coordinating teacher: CONTE IMBERT, DAVID

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


- To know the different paradigms and approaches of literary theory that have conditioned the approach to the literary phenomenon, with special emphasis on contemporary perspectives, but also mentioning poetics before modernity. The student should familiarize himself with a corpus of basic texts that have marked and delimited the evolution of the discipline. - To insert these currents and schools in a series of global questions that define the plurality of our understanding in face of the literary fact. These problems focus both on the analysis and interpretation of a series of literary texts and on the necessary immersion of them in the cultural system from which they originate. - Have a series of conceptual and methodological tools that enable the student to carry out these analyzes in a personalized way. - To promote the critical reading capacity, both of the mechanisms that make up a work and of the ideological dimension that sustains its particular representation of the world.
Description of contents: programme
- The concept of literature - The romantic revolution and the space of aesthetics. - Other approaches to the phenomenon of literature. Classic and modern poetics. The genesis of the concept - Discussion about the canon: relativity and permanence in the construction of literary value. - Approach to the theory of genders. - Basic concepts of the literary pact. The notion of authorship and the position of the reader. The theory of reception. - The work itself: immanent perspectives on the text - Approach to immanentist approaches: Russian formalism. Czech and French structuralism. The new Anglo-American criticism. - Literary language and instrumental language. The functions of the text. Roman Jakobson. - Structural semantics. Todorov, Greimas and Genette. - Tools for literary analysis and stylistic resources. - Practical commentary: structuring and interpretative argumentation. - The literary system: literature as a cultural system - The pragmatic dimension of literary communication. - The semiosphere. Lotman and the Tartu school. - Literature and sociology. Pierre Bourdieu. - Theory of polysystems. Itamar Even-Zohar. - Literature in the prism of postmodernity - Introduction to the meaning of postmodernity in literary code. The fluctuating sense and the aesthetics of fragmentation. - The absent sense: the text as a fabric of desire. The poststructuralist critique: Roland Barthes, Julia Kristeva and Jacques Lacan. - Poetics of deconstruction. The Derridian critique and the Yale school. - Applied postmodernity: practices of commentary for a new textual model. - Literature and ideology: the literary articulation of the great contemporary conflicts - Marxist hermeneutics. Lukács, Brecht and the Frankfurt School. - Dialogism and polyphony in the school of Bakhtin. - Literature, violence and power. The boundaries of representation. - The new challenges. Towards a redefinition of literature. From Theories of culture to new creative spaces.
Learning activities and methodology
- Reading and analysis of a series of basic texts pertaining to literary theory. Relate these texts with the global problem of the topic or issue where they are located. (4 ECTS) - Practical exercises of analysis of different literary fragments using the theoretical approach or perspective required for the analysis. To show the plurality of possible readings for the same text, according to the capacity of theoretical problematization based on an interpretative argumentation process. These exercises will constitute a series of three practices throughout the course, conducted in groups and led by the teacher. (1.5 ETCS) - Custom tutorials (0.25 ETCS) - Assistance to public events selected for their relevance to the program and the objectives of the course (conferences, seminars, book presentation, etc.). (0, 25 ECTS)
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • BERLIN, Isaiah. Las raíces del romanticismo. Taurus. 2000
  • BOURDIEU, Pierre. Las reglas del arte. Génesis y estructura del campo literario. Anagrama. 1995
  • CABO ASEGUINOLAZA, Fernando. Teorías sobre la lírica. Arco Libros. 1999
  • CABO ASEGUINOLAZA, Fernando & do CEBREIRO RÁBADE VILLAR, María. Manual de Teoría de la Literatura. Castalia. 2006
  • CESERANI, Remo. Introducción a los estudios literarios. Crítica. 2004
  • CULLER, Jonathan. Breve introducción a la teoría literaria. Crítica. 2000
  • IGLESIAS SANTOS, Montserrat (ed.). Imágenes del otro. Identidad e inmigración en la literatura y el cine. Biblioteca Nueva. 2010
  • MIGNOLO, Walter. Historias locales, diseños globales: colonialidad, conocimientos subalternos y pensamiento fronterizo. Akal. 2003
  • SAFRANSKI, Rüdiger. Romanticismo. Una odisea del espíritu alemán. Tusquets. 2009
  • SAID, Edward. Orientalismo. Debolsillo. 2016
  • VILLANUEVA, Darío. El comentario de textos narrativos. La novela. Júcar. 1992
  • VILLANUEVA, Darío (ed.). Avances en teoría de la literatura : (estética de la recepción, pragmática, teoría empírica y teoría de los polisistemas). Universidad Santiago de Compostela. 1994
Additional Bibliography
  • BAL, Mieke. Teoría de la narrativa: una introducción a la narratología. Cátedra. 1985
  • BURGUERA, María Luisa (ed.). Textos clásicos de teoría de la literatura. Cátedra. 2004
  • CABO ASEGUINOLAZA, Fernando & GULLÓN, Germán (eds.). Teoría del poema: la enunciación lírica. Rodopi. 1998
  • GARCÍA BERRIO, Antonio & HUERTA CALVO, Javier. Los géneros literarios: sistema e historia. Cátedra. 1992
  • HAMBURGER, Käte. La lógica de la literatura. Visor. 1995
  • MAYORAL, José Antonio. Pragmática de la comunicación literaria. Arco Libros. 1999
  • SCHAEFFER, Jean-Marie. La naissance de la littérature. La théorie esthétique du romantisme allemand. Presses de l'École Normale Supérieure. 1983
  • SCHAEFFER, Jean-Marie. ¿Qué es un género literario?. Akal. 2006
  • SULLÀ, Enric (ed.). El canon literario. Arco Libros. 1998
  • VEGA RAMOS, María José. Imperios de papel. Introducción a la crítica poscolonial. Crítica. 2003
  • VILLANUEVA, Darío (coord.). Curso de teoría de la literatura. Taurus. 1994
  • WAHNÓN BENSUSAN, Sultana. Introducción a la historia de las teorías literarias. Publicaciones Universidad de Granada. 1991

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.