Checking date: 26/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)


Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
It is recommended to have a photographic camera (DSLR camera or similar). If you don`t have a camera, it is also possible to take the course. It is necessary to communicate this information to the teaching team at the beginning of the semester.
Acquisition of theoretical, analytical and technical skills for the creation of a photojournalistic story. Development of argumentative skills to carry out debates about the power of the image, its use and its new transformations.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Theory and technique of the photographic image. Treatment of the photographic image in the press and electronic media. Basic aspects that will be addressed throughout the course: -Retrospectives History and evolution of Photojournalism. Origins and exponents. -Analysis of the photographic image. Light, framing, depth of field, optics and formats. Basic operation of a camera. -Technique, aesthetics and languages. Narration and visual codes. -Construction of photojournalistic stories. Photography as social document. -The image as an informative element. Photography and truth. Controversial press photographs. -Photojournalistic genres. News photography, war photography, sports photography, urban photography, interviews and portraits, documentary photography. The cover. -Author photography, artistic photography and reportage. -Media, agencies and groups. World Press Photo, Magnum Agency, Vogue, National Geographic, Life, PhotoEspaƱa. Independent groups. -Photojournalism and Social Media. Challenges and challenges in Social Networks. Image analysis in the era of fake news. -The digital manipulation of the photographic image. Post-production. -The emergence of Artificial Intelligence Technical images, synthetic images. The image as an artifact. -Photojournalism and AI: a scenario to be defined. Reflection and debate around its capabilities and repercussions. Allies or enemies? -How to read an AI image. Generation of images with AI programs. Stable Diffusion, Midjourney. -The work of a photojournalist today.
Learning activities and methodology
Combination of theoretical teaching (3 ECTS) and case studies (ECTS). The first will be oriented in a double sense: master classes and conceptual/analytical work by the student based on the guidelines given in them and the conceptual repertoires transmitted. The practical cases are oriented to mastering basic photographic techniques and to translating the lessons received into products intended for reproduction in the news media. Carrying out activities in the classroom aimed at mastering photographic techniques, as well as launching projects with a coherent visual story according to the recipient and the purpose. Reading texts and articles for debates and reflections on the uses and/or abuses of the image in the era of social media and fake news. The emergence of AI, possible transformations and consequences. Use and basic management of photographic post-production programs and AI image generative programs.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 30
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 70

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Alonso Martín, F.. Tratamiento de imágenes fotográficas por procedimientos digitales . Paraninfo . 2011
  • Fernández-Castrillo, C.. Prácticas transmedia en la era del prosumidor: Hacia una definición del contenido generado por el usuario (CGU). CIC Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, Vol. 19, 53- 67.. 2014
  • Fernández-Castrillo, C. & Ramos, C. . El fotoperiodismo en la era de Telegram: la invasión Rusia de Ucrania en Rossiyskaya Gazeta y Ukrayinska Pravda. Bonales G. and Sierra, J. (eds.), Desafíos y retos delas redes sociales en el ecosistema de la comunicación, vol. I,pp. 451-468. Madrid: McGraw-Hill. 2023
  • Fernández-Castrillo, C. & Mantoan, D.. An archaeology of media artivism: attempting to draft the history of digital culture for social change. Artnodes, 33, pp. 1-12, 2024
  • Fernández-Castrillo, C. & Ramos, C.. Post-Photojournalism: Post-Truth Challenges and Threats for Visual Reporting in the Russo-Ukrainian War Coverage. Digital Journalism, 1¿24. 2024
  • Fernández-Castrillo, C. y Ramos, C. . Social web and photojournalism: User-generated content of the Russo-Ukrainian war. Comunicar, 77, 85-96. ISSN 1134-3478. 2023
  • Fontcuberta, J.. La furia de las imágenes. Notas sobre la postfotografía. . Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg.. 2016
  • Fontcuberta, J.. Indiferencias fotográficas y ética de la imagen periodística. Gustavo Gili. 2011
  • Freund, G. . La fotografía como documento social. Gustavo Gili . 2011
  • Ibarrola, M.. De Lavapiés a la Cabeza, fotografías Marivi Ibarrola. Mª Victoria Ibarrula Castillejo. 2018
  • Ibarrola, M. . Yo Disparé en los 80, fotografías de Marivi Ibarrola. Mª Victoria Ibarrula Castillejo. 2012
  • Limón, N.. Postproducción digital: ética y teoría para un nuevo fotoperiodismo. XVIII Congreso Internacional de la SEP. Los nuevos desafíos del oficio del periodismo, pp. 525-535. SEP. 2012
  • López Mondejar, P.. Historia de la Fotografía en España . Lunwerg . 1997
  • Marcos Molano, M. & Tagarro, A.. La mirada hipermétrope: el fotoperiodismo en la era de las redes sociales. FOTOCINEMA, nº 19, pp. 175-288. 2019
  • Newhall, B.. Historia de la Fotografía. Gustavo Gili . 2002
  • Saldívar Chávez, A. & Dayan Rubio de los Santos, M.. Del fotoperiodismo al meme. Visualidades, gestos y política en Internet. Nierika. Revista Arte Ibero (ISSN: 2007-9648), Año 11, Núm. 21, (enero - junio de 2022), pp. 143-175. 2022
  • VV.AA. Selección de textos para los debates fotoperiodísticos. VV. Edit.. 2020
Additional Bibliography
  • Freixa, P. & Redondo-Arolas, M. . IA y fotoperiodismo: un escenario por definir / AI and photojournalism: an undefined scenario. Conference: XV Congreso Internacional de Comunicación Digital y Ciberperiodismo. Desinformación en la era de la inteligencia artificial 27 y 28 de noviembre de 2023 UPV/EHU. . 2023
  • Salvaggio, E.. Composites and Correlations Media Representations in the Age of AI. Cybernetic Forests. 2023
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The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.