Checking date: 20/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Good practices in Journalism
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)

Coordinating teacher: MACIA BARBER, CARLOS

Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
- Media Theory - Information Skills - Writing and Communication Skills - Spanish Language and the Media - News Reporting - Theory and Analysis of the Documentary Film - Journalism and Social Change in Spain - Information Law - Radio Journalism - Television Journalism - Online Journalism
That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study. That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues. That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy. Know the basics of journalistic information, the configuration of the media system, as well as the communication / participatory model that makes up society in access to journalistic information. Achieve a level of training in the field of social sciences and humanities, as well as in the scientific-technical field sufficient to transmit information related to these fields to the public and contextualize said information. To know the main theories of media communication from a diachronic perspective and the coexistence of different conceptual and methodological repertoires characteristic of the disciplinary crossroads in which the theory of communication is forged. Ability to update theoretical concepts in the daily media experience of the student. Be able to treat journalistic information from the respect to pluralism, democratic principles, human rights, effective equality between men and women, promoting from a model professional practice. Knowledge of the legal and legal framework of the right to freedom of expression, as well as the entire list of good professional practices. Be able to deal, in the framework of the different journalistic genres, with those topics of general interest and public relevance whose central axis are forms of violence and conflict of a structural nature (gender violence, conflicts of a cultural and/or religious nature). The learning outcomes are the following: Have acquired knowledge, both theoretical and practical advanced and demonstrated an understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects and work methodology of journalistic science with a depth that reaches the forefront of knowledge. Power, through arguments or procedures developed and supported by them, apply their knowledge, understanding of these and their problem solving abilities in complex journalistic areas or specialized professionals that require the use of creative and innovative ideas. Have the ability to collect and interpret data and information on which to base their conclusions including, when necessary and relevant, reflection on issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature in the field of journalism. Be able to cope with complex situations or require the development of new solutions in the academic, professional or professional field within the journalistic field.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. The social responsibility of journalist. The moral duty of the reporter and the journalistic truth. Conscious and unconscious manipulation 2. Journalistic Self-Regulation. Organisms, institutions and self-regulation initiatives Audiovisual Council of Catalonia (CAC), Audiovisual Council of Andalusia (CAA), Council of Information of Catalonia (CIC) Commission of Arbitration, Complaints and Deontology of Journalism (FAPE) Deontological codes, style books and sectorial recommendations News ombudsmen Professional associations and journalists unions 3. Basic principles: truth, justice, freedom and responsibility. Good journalistic practices in: Gender (gender perspective, sexist violence) Presumption of innocence (parallel judgments) Minors and disappeared (people's rights to honour, privacy and their own image) Racism, xenophobia, discrimination, hate (origin, religious beliefs, ideology) Terrorism / armed conflicts (censorship, propaganda, refugees) Social media / Fake news (rumour, hoax, misinformation) Hi-tech Journalism (big data, drones, transmedia, Artificial Inteligence).
Learning activities and methodology
Combination of theoretical teachings and practical cases. The first will be oriented in a double sense: master classes and conceptual work on the part of the student, based on the guidelines taught in them and the conceptual repertoires transmitted. The practical cases will consist of the analysis of journalistic messages, taking into account both the morphology of the journalistic story and the relevant documentation processes. The methodology includes both the study of the purpose of the message (more or less express or hidden, intentional or not), and the resources used by the reporter (sources, titles, structure, style, graphic and audiovisual resources). It allows you to become familiar with the real exercise of the profession, with the discussion of its benefits or deficiencies. The student previously works individually on the text, which is analyzed, studied and discussed collectively in class later. Mandatory readings The student must reflect on those contents of reading directly related to the ethical practice of journalism. The personal critical reflection on the foreign example makes possible the learning of the professional techniques at the same time of the due deontological expositions. Individual tutorials They allow a more precise orientation of the aptitudes and attitudes of the student in relation to the theoretical and practical contents of the subject, the resolution of doubts and the direction of the scientific works.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 30
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 70

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • BERTRAND, C.-J.. An arsenal for democracy: media accountability systems. Cresskill (N.J.): Hampton Press. 2003
  • BUGEJA, Michael. Living Media Ethics: Across Platforms. New York/London: Routledge. 2019
  • CARLSON, M. & LEWIS, S.C.. Boundaries of Journalism: Professionalism, Practices and Participation. London: Routledge. 2015
  • CHRISTIANS, C. G., FACKLER, M., RICHARDSON, K. B. & KRESHEL, P.. Media Ethics: Cases and Moral Reasoning. Routledge. 2020
  • DUNCAN, S.. Ethics for Journalists. New York/London: Routledge. 2023
  • EBERWEIN, T., FENGLER, S. y KARMASIN, M.. The European Handbook of Media Accountability. London: Routledge. 2018
  • FENGLER, S.. Journalists and Media Accountability: An International Study of News People in the Digital Age. New York: Peter Lang. 2014
  • KEEBLE, R.. Ethics for journalists. New York: Routledge. 2009
  • LUCE, Ann (ed.). Ethical Reporting of Sensitives Topics. London/New York: Routledge. 2019
  • LUENGO, M., MACIÁ-BARBER, C. & REQUEJO, J.L.. Evaluating Organisational Ethics in Spanish News Media. Journalism, 18 (9). 2017, pp. 1142-1162
  • MACIÁ-BARBER, C.. How the News Ombudsmen Help to Create Ethical and Responsible News Organisations. En Wyatt, Wendy N. (ed.): The Ethics of Journalism: Individual, Institutional and Cultural Influence. London/New York: IB Tauris/RISJ University of Oxford. 2014, pp. 107-123
  • MACIÁ-BARBER, C.. Ethics in Reporting and Journalism Transmedia. En Rodríguez Terceño, José (Coord.): Current Audiovisual Productions.. Palm Beach, Florida: Journal of Alternatives Perspectives in the Social Sciences Press. 2014, pp. 169-184
  • MACIÁ-BARBER, C.. New challenges for an enduring code of journalistic ethics: the news media business model in the face of ethical standards and citizen participation. Comunicação & Sociedade, vol. 25. 2014, pp. 97-109
  • McBRIDE, K. & ROSENSTIEL, T. (eds.). The New Ethics of Journalism: Principles for the 21st Century. London: Sage. 2014
  • PETLEY, J. (ed.). Media and Public Shaming. London/New York: I.B. Tauris/RISJ University of Oxford. 2013
  • PLAISANCE, P. L.. Media ethics: key principles for responsible practice. Los Angeles: Sage. 2014
  • PRICE, L.T., SANDERS, K. & WYATT, W. N.. The Routledge Companion to Journalism Ethics. Routledge. 2021
  • WARD, S.. Ethics and the Media - An introduction. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press. 2011
  • WARD, S.. Radical Media Ethics - A global aproach. Malden (Ox.): Wiley Blackwell. 2015
  • WARD, S. J. A.. Global media ethics: problems and perspectives. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2013
  • WILKINS, L & CHRISTIANS, C. (eds.). The handbook of mass media ethics. New York: Routledge. 2nd Ed.. 2020
  • WYATT, W. N. (ed.). The Ethics of Journalism: Individual, Institutional and Cultural Influences. I.B. Tauris / RISJ University of Oxford. 2014
  • ZION, L. & CRAIG, D.. Ethics for Digital Journalists. Emerging Best Practices. London: Routledge. 2015
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional Bibliography
  • BELSEY, A.. Ethical issues in journalism and the media. London/New York: Routledge. 2002
  • BERTRAND, C.-J.. Media ethics & accountability systems. New Brunswick (NJ): Transaction Publishers. 2002
  • BORDEN, S.L.. Journalism as practice: MacIntyre, virtue ethics and the press. Burlington: Ashgate. 2007
  • CHRISTIANS, C. G.. Good news: social ethics and the press. New York: Oxford University Press. 1993
  • DAY, L. A.. Ethics in media communications: cases and controversies. Belmont (CA): Thomson. 2006
  • ESS, C.. Digital media ethics. Cambridge: Polity. 2009
  • FRIEND, C.. Online Journalism Ethics: Traditions ans Transitions. Armonk (N.Y.): Sharpe. 2007
  • NEMETH, N.. News Ombudsmen in North America: Assessing an Experiment in Social Responsability. Westport (Conn.): Praeger. 2003
  • RAO, S. & WASSERMAN, H. (eds.). Media ethics and justice in the age of globalization. Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan. 2015
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

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