Checking date: 26/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Philosophy and belief systems in contemporary societies
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)

Coordinating teacher: GARCÍA RUIZ, ALICIA

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


The course aims at providing a reflective and sistematic understanding of the world we live in, to the extent every professional formed in communication should have. To do this, the course offers an analysis of belief systems and of the thoughts that articulate them in the contemporary world. These systems will be studied through a series of key terms addressed by specific authors that synthesize contemporary debates of special relevance. It is expected that students acquire the following skills: 1. Understanding and use of abstract concepts for the interpretation of contemporary society. 2. Understanding processes and local conflicts in their traditions, socio-historical contexts and beliefs. 3. Ability to interpret a plurality and diversity of contexts and social processes from said concepts and ability to place them in general interpretative frameworks. 4. Ability to establish differences and similarities between diverse frames of interpretation and argumentation. 5. Ability to argue orally and in writing about the course topics.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. IDEOLOGY AND IDEOLOGIES: The role of ideology in the contemporary world. The right-left political distinction. 2. MODERNITY AND POSTMODERNITY: Continuity or opposition? 3. GLOBALIZATION: Globalization and resistance. 4. DEMOCRACY: What is the current state of democracy? 5. COMMUNITY: The return of the problems of the community and the common. 5. CULTURE: Culture as a scenario of conflict. 6. RELIGION: Relations between religion and public sphere. 7. MEMORY AND HISTORY. Politics of Memory .
Learning activities and methodology
The course will be based on introductory lessons by the teacher, a series of required readings including books and short texts, writing essays and presentations in class by groups of students. On each subject, the teacher will give a master lecture. This will be completed with the discussion and comment in class of one or several short texts on the subject, presented by a student or group of students. Each student must deliver two short papers and one final essay, for which the teacher will give the corresponding guidelines throughout the course The student who has done all these works will not have to take a final exam.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Bauman, Z.. La globalización. Fondo de Cultura Económica. 2006
  • Bauman, Z.. La globalización. Fondo de Cultura Económica. 2006
  • Bauman, Z.. La globalización. Fondo de Cultura Económica. 2006
  • Bauman, Z. . Comunidad: en busca de seguridad en un mundo hostil.. Siglo XXI . 2003
  • Bauman, Z. . Comunidad: en busca de seguridad en un mundo hostil.. Siglo XXI . 2003
  • Bauman, Z. . Comunidad: en busca de seguridad en un mundo hostil.. Siglo XXI . 2003
  • Bobbio, N. El futuro de la democracia. FCE. 1986
  • Bobbio, N. El futuro de la democracia. FCE. 1986
  • Bobbio, N. El futuro de la democracia. FCE. 1986
  • Broncano, F.. Entre ingenieros y ciudadanos. Montesinos. 2006
  • Broncano, F.. Entre ingenieros y ciudadanos. Montesinos. 2006
  • Brown, W. . Estados Amurallados. Herder. 2015
  • Brown, W. . Estados Amurallados. Herder. 2015
  • Butler, J. . "¿Es el judaísmo un sionismo?" en Mendieta, E. El poder de la religión en la esfera pública.. Trotta. 2011
  • Butler, J. . "¿Es el judaísmo un sionismo?" en Mendieta, E. El poder de la religión en la esfera pública.. Trotta. 2011
  • Butler, J. . "¿Es el judaísmo un sionismo?" en Mendieta, E. El poder de la religión en la esfera pública.. Trotta. 2011
  • Giddens, A. . Consecuencias de la Modernidad.. Alianza. 1993
  • Jameson, F. . El Giro Cultural. Manantial. 1999
  • Jameson, F. . El Giro Cultural. Manantial. 1999
  • Jameson, F. . El Giro Cultural. Manantial. 1999
  • Rancière, J. . El odio a la democracia. Amorrortu. 2012
  • Rancière, J. . El odio a la democracia. Amorrortu. 2012
  • Rancière, J. . El odio a la democracia. Amorrortu. 2012
  • Todorov, S.. Los abusos de la memoria. Paidos. 2008
  • Todorov, S.. Los abusos de la memoria. Paidos. 2008
  • Todorov, S.. Los abusos de la memoria. Paidos. 2008
  • Williams, R. . Historia y Cultura Común (Ed. A. García Ruiz). Catarata. 2008
  • Williams, R. . Historia y Cultura Común (Ed. A. García Ruiz). Catarata. 2008
  • Williams, R. . Historia y Cultura Común (Ed. A. García Ruiz). Catarata. 2008
  • Zizek, S. . Ideología: un mapa de la cuestión. . FCE. 2003
  • Zizek, S. . Ideología: un mapa de la cuestión. . FCE. 2003
  • Zizek, S. . Ideología: un mapa de la cuestión. . FCE. 2003

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.