Checking date: 12/03/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Geography of contemporary world
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)

Coordinating teacher: GAMIR ORUETA, AGUSTIN

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


The students will acquire the basic knowledge for understanding the modern world in its different scales (global, regional and local), the interrelationships between physical and human societies, the importance of resources, the diversity of places, regions and landscapes. Also the students will be able to unravel the processes of reality and study the key geographical territory of some of the major conflicts of the contemporary scene. They also provide competition for documentary sources for geographic and correct interpretation and representation. It also will affect the acquisition of skills to locate and manage geographic information analysis tool territory to explain the interrelationships between physical and human societies, and to interrelate events and processes at different geographic scales.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The course provides students with a summary overview of key issues addressed by geography: the relationship between man and the environment and the characterization and distribution of major economic problems and conflicts, political and social territorial type. They also provide essential techniques for obtaining, processing and interpretation of geographic information. 1. Introduction: geography and interpretation of the world. 2. Sources and techniques for processing and analyzing geographic information. 3. The relationship between society and physical environment: resources, risks and environmental problems. 4. Demographic problems: overpopulation and migration. 5. Urban spaces. 6. Networks and transportation systems. 7. The geographical dimension of globalization. 8. Geopolitics. Explanatory theories, factors and territorial conflicts.
Learning activities and methodology
The course has a profile content type mainly theoretical (4 ECTS credits), with the aim of introducing information and knowledge of great importance for the correct understanding of the world today in terms of geography. This part is based on the presentation of content by the teacher, reading and commentary of chosen texts and documents, as well as classroom discussion of geographical topics. In addition, a number of practical activities (2 ECTS credits) is incorporated, such as those related to the management of essential tools for both the knowledge of the territory at any scale, to present information in spatial content. In this sense, the different geographical sources will analyze spatial analysis methodology applied to the local and regional level and the various graphics and mapping procedures will be taught to present such information be provided. The theoretical and practical contents as well as the methodologies for its teaching are easily adapted to online teaching. In this sense, the use of programs such as Black board Collaborate or similar is foreseen, which allow online written, oral and visual communication between the teacher and the students.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ABRAHAMSON, M.. Global cities. Oxford University Press. 2004
  • AKAL. El estado del Mundo. Akal, varios años.
  • ARANGO, J. et al.. La inmigración en el ojo del huracán. Anuario CIDOB. 2017
  • ATLAS LE MONDE. Atlas de las migraciones. Las rutas de la humanidad. UNED-Akal. 2010
  • BLACK, J.. Maps and politics. Reaktion Books. 1997
  • BLIJ, H.J. et al.. Human Geography. People, place and culture.. John Wiley and Sons, 2007.
  • BLIJ, H.J. y MULLER, P.O.. Geography. Realms, regions and concepts. John Wiley and Sons, 2002.
  • Bréville, B. (Coord.). Atlas. Conflictos de fronteras. Cybermonde SL. Colecc. Atlas de Le Monde Diplomatique. 2013
  • CAPEL, H.. La morfología de las ciudades I. Sociedad, cultura y paisaje urbano. Ediciones Serbal. 2002
  • Cortizo Álvarez, Tomás. Tratamiento geográfico de la información. Universidad Oviedo. 2009
  • DRAKAKIS-SMITH, D.. Third World Cities. Routledge. 1997
  • GLASSNER, M.I.. Political Geography. John Wiley and Sons, 1996..
  • GUILLON, M. y SZTOKMAN, N.. Géographie mondiale de la population. Ellipses, 2006..
  • JUDT, T.. Algo va mal. Taurus. 2010
  • KLARE, M.T.. Sangre y petróleo. Peligros y consecuencias de la dependencia del crudo. Tendencias. 2006
  • KNOX, P., AGNEW, J. y MCCARTHY, L.. The Geography of World Economy. Arnold.
  • LA VIE, LE MONDE. L¿Atlas des religions. Le Monde, 2007..
  • LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE. El Atlas de Le Monde Diplomatique. Cybermonde, varios años..
  • LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE. L¿Atlas environnement. Analyses et solutions. Le Monde Diplomatique, 2006..
  • LÓPEZ-DAVADILLO, J. y MARTÍN RODA, E.. Geopolítica. Claves para entender un mundo cambiante. UNED - Ramón Areces. 2012
  • MARCU, S.. De Rusia a España: movimientos migratorios transfronterizos en la Eurasia del siglo XXI. UNED. 2012
  • MARÍN, M. (COORD.). Globalización y movimientos migratorios. UOC. 2015
  • MENDEZ, R.. Geografía Evonómica. La lógica espacial del capitalismo global. Ariel, 1997.
  • MÉNDEZ GUTIÉRREZ DEL VALLE, R.. El nuevo mapa geopolítico del mundo. Tirant lo Blanc. 2010
  • MÉNDEZ GUTIÉRREZ DEL VALLE, R.. Tiempos críticos para el capitalismo global. Una perspectiva geoeconómica. Revives. 2023
  • OECD. International Migration Outlook. OECD. 2016
  • ORGANIZACIÓN INTERNACIONAL PARA LAS MIGRACIONES (OIM). Informe sobre las migraciones en el Mundo, 2015. Organización Internacional para las Migraciones. 2015
  • RIFKIN, J.. La era del acceso.La revolución de la nueva economía. Paidós, 2000.
  • RODRIGUE, J.P.. The Geography of transport systems. Routledge, 2006.
  • ROMERO, J. (COORD.). Geografía Humana. Ariel, 2004.
  • ROSIÈRE, S.. Géographie politique et géopolitique. Une grammaire de l¿espace politique. Ellipses, 2003..
  • Slocum, T.A. et al.. Thematic Cartography and Geographic Visualization. Prentice Hall. 2005

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.