Checking date: 07/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Multimedia Journalism
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)


Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The basics elements for this subject are linked to the basics concepts about edition text and used advanced in search enginee.
LEARNING SKILLS SPECIFIC: SPECIFICS COMPETENCES: Understanding the inherent mechanisms of the multimedia communication and the essential elements that structure the layout. Ability to analyze from a theoretical perspective the following elements: the historical context of newspaper design, the development and scheme of the basics concepts relationship with the journalism design. As well as, alls and each one of the elements that form part of layout. as color, typography, etc. TRANSVERSE COMPETENCES: 1. Capacity of analysis and synthesis. 2. Knowing the use Internet. 3. Problem solving. 4. Teamwork. 5. Critical reasoning. 6. Verbal and written communication.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
(This subjetc not application IA Inteligence Artificial). Topic 1. What is Multimedia?. Definition and concepts. Most used applications in the press. Topic 2. Treatment of images for the Web. Optimization and treatment. Topic 3. Information architecture on the web. Navigation Systems. Topic 4. Interactivity e Interoperability web. Topic 5. Multimedia elements and improve the interaction. Topic 6. Writing essays to Internet. Topic 7. Communication and Design for the web. Topic 8. Resources and multimedia elements que improve to navigation and visibility. Topic 9. Futures ands perspectives of multimedia communication.
Learning activities and methodology
Theory (2 ECTS). Theoretical classes with support material available on learning support platforms. Practice (4 ECTS). Problem solving classes. Practices in computer classrooms. Oral presentations. The theoretical ones will be oriented in a double sense: master classes, followed by a brief exercise of reflection or critical analysis on the concepts discussed and their implementation applied to the analysis in the media, and works carried out by the students from the orientation of the teacher / tutor who teaches the subject after consultation with the coordinator.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Nielsen Jakob. Usabilidad. Priorizando el diseño web.. Anaya-Multimedia. 2006
  • Ohm Jens. Multimedia Content Analysis. Springer. 2016
  • Bull, Andy . Multimedia Journalism : a Practical Guide .Journalism and media studies.. Routledge. 2010
  • Franco Álvarez, Guillermina . Tecnologías de la Comunicación. Procesos, producción y sistemas. FRAGUA COMUNICACIÓN. 2005
  • Franco Álvarez, Guillermina y García Martul, David.. Tecnologías de la Comunicación II. Multimedia.. Dykinson. 2023
  • Jakob Nielsen.. Usabilidad. Priorizando el diseño web.. Anaya-Multimedia. 2006
  • KAWAMOTO, Kewin. Digital Journalism: Emerging Media and the Changing Horizons of Journalism .. .. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.. (2003).

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.