Checking date: 18/07/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Advertising in news media
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)


Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


OBJECTIVE: Understanding the structural relationship between advertising and information. The legal principles and economic factors which rule the advertising media will be studied too. SKILLS: A)Development of skills that enable to assess the adequacy of the editorial content, audiences and advertising content in the media. B)Ability to position the medium with respect to competition in the design of new media is concerned, pricing and advertising investment. C)The ability to defend the purposes of the news media against the contractual obligations signed with the advertiser as well as being able to determine which cases are in a situation of illegality and consequently to make a right decision regarding the inclusion of certain commercial messages within the media.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. The role of advertising in the media 2. Media, advertising agencies and advertisers 3. Concentration, the media and advertising 4. Advertising Legislation in the media 5. Illegal advertising in the media 6. Advertising contracts 7. Media Planning 8. Selection of media and advertising space 9. Audience and circulation audit agencies 10. Advertising Rates 11. Advertising formats 12. Trends in Advertising
Learning activities and methodology
Combining theoretical and practical examples. Theory: lectures and conceptual work to be done for the student from the guidelines provided by lecturer. Practicals: consist of the analysis of the advertising industry in its relationship with the media, as well as industry trends in terms of investment, formats and legislation. Students will carry out a report about: - The developments and trends in advertising investments and the commercial formats in the media. - Main legal changes affecting the advertising media. This practicals will be supervised by the teacher. The final report will be presented trough speech during the last session of class. - Media Planning. Tutorials: They are complementary. They are oriented to the practical application of the program content.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Arens, W.; Schaefer, D.H.. Essentials of contemporary advertising. McGraw Hill/Irwin. 2007
  • Kelley, L.D.; Jugenheimer, DW.. Advertising Account Planning. A practical guide. M.E. Sharpe. 2006
  • Wollmer, Ch.. Always On: Advertising, Marketing, and Media in an Era of Consumer Control. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing. 2008
Additional Bibliography
  • Álvarez-Peralta, M.y Franco, Y.. Independencia periodística y fondos públicos: la publicidad institucional como distorsión de la competencia en el mercado informative.. Historia y Comunicación Social 23(2). 2018
  • Armstrong, St.. Advertising on the Internet. Dover:KoganPage. 2001
  • Briñol P.; Petty R.E.; Tormala Z.L.. The self-validation of cognitive responses to advertisements. J Consumer Res. 2004
  • Briñol, P.; de la Corte, L; Becerra, A.. Qué es persuasión. Biblioteca Nueva. 2000
  • Cialdini, R.B.. Influence: sicence and practice. Allyn and Bacon. 2001
  • Díaz, D.; Izquiero, E; Bajo M.. Psicología de la Comunicación. Centro de Estudios Financieros. 2017
  • Jaffe, J.. Life after the 30-second spot. energiza your brand with a bold mix of alternatives to traditional advertising. John Wiley&Sons. 2005
  • Janoschka, A.. Web Advertising. New forms of communicaionon the Internet. Johs Benjamins Publishing Company. 2004
  • Petty, R.E.; Briñol, P.. Persuasion: from single to multiple to metacognitive processes. Perspect Psychol. 2008
  • Powell, H.; Hardy, J.; Hawkin, S.; Macrury, I.. The advertising handbook. Routledge. 2009
  • Robinson, H.; Wysocka, A.; Hand, Ch.. Internet advertising effectiveness: the effect of desing for click-throungh rates for banner ads.. International Journal of Advertising, 26(4). 2007
  • Wollmer, Ch.; Precourt, G.. Always on. Advertising, marketing and media in a era of consume control. McGraw Hill. 2008

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.