Checking date: 18/07/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Television news production
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)


Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Television Journalism
Knowledge of overall communicative environment and socio-economic and technological factors that affect the creation, production, marketing and exhibition of audiovisual contents. Knowledge of the general idea, method and work process of audiovisual production, applied to general information and communication, entertainment and multimedia exploitation perspective, new markets and technologies. Knowledge of the skills and abilities of the exercise of executive producing in relation to the creation contents: talent management, organization and work planning, budget management and the marketing results. Participation in executive production project teams - with the aim of developing, presenting and producing a TV format in a global way (depends on health situation).
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. CURRENT PANORAMA OF THE AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCTION INDUSTRY (I): Development trends in predominant interest areas: Europe, America, Asia and the Middle East. 2. CURRENT PANORAMA OF THE AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCTION INDUSTRY (II): TV Business structures, production and broadcasting. 3. PRODUCTION SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Global model management of the ideas factory. 4. THE CONTENTS PRODUCTION IN THE TELEVISION PROGRAMMING FRAMEWORK: The audience as content market regulator. 5. MODALITIES OF PRODUCTION AND FINANCING OF AUDIOVISUAL CONTENTS: Work process. 6. DESIGN AND PRESENTATION OF TV PROJECTS: The format like reference. 7. THE PRE-PRODUCTION: The design art of the production. 8. PRODUCTION: The creative act par excellence. 9. THE POST-PRODUCTION: A strategic phase in the multiplatforms and visual arts era. 10. PROMOTIONAL AND EXPLOITATION STRATEGIES PRODUCT: Markets Knowledge and the knowledge of their strategic plan and exploitation. The brand image, management and sales promotion. 11. AUDIOVISUAL WORKS RIGHTS AV. AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: the management of audiovisual works rigths as intangible assets of TV producers within the framework of the formats market. The weekly planning will be implemented and adjusted according to the evolution of the group and the health situation.
Learning activities and methodology
The subject develops a theoretical and methodological knowledge about the audiovisual production. The student¿s development these objectives through the articulation of practical and theoretical sessions about the audiovisual production process (formation of professional teams, budget and others). The student´s development these tasks by the workshop formula apply to case studies, representatives of TV production (events, entertainment, fiction ...). Also, the students will know a global TV program. Before your proposals and as part of continuous assessment, attending class regularly is essential to carry out the monitoring of learning both conceptual and methodological, and practical activities. In the framework of the continuous evaluation, the regular lesson attendance to class is essential to carry out the learning conceptual and methodological monitoring and the practical activities.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ARANA, Edorta. Estrategias de programación televisiva. Síntesis. Madrid, 2011.
  • BARDAJÍ, Javier y GÓMEZ, Santiago. La gestión de la creatividad en televisión. El caso de Globo Media. Eunsa. Pamplona, 2004.
  • BARROSO GARCIA, Jaime. Realización Audiovisual. Síntesis. Madrid, 2008.
  • BLANCO RUIZ, Marian; SAINZ DE BARANDA ANDÚJAR, Clara. . Comunicación con perspectiva de género (pp. 73-91). En Especialista en Gestión de Políticas Públicas. Aranzadi. 2019
  • CURY, Iván. Directing and producing for television: A format approach. Focal Press. 2010.
  • DOWD, NIEDERMAN, FRY, STEIFF. Storytelling across worlds: Transmedia for creatives and producers. Focal Press. 2013.
  • FERRERAS RODRÍGUEZ, José Gabriel. Diseño y producción de programas en televisión. Diego Marín Librero . Murcia, 2011.
  • FERRES MORALES, Dolores. La contratación en el sector audiovisual. Octaedro. Barcelona, 2005.
  • GORDILLO, Inmaculada. Manual de narrativa televisiva. Síntesis. Madrid, 2009.
  • KELLISON, Cathrine. Producing for TV and new media. A real-world approach for producers. Focal Press. 2008.
  • MARTINEZ ABADIA, José y FERNANDEZ DIAZ, Federico . Manual del productor audiovisual. UOC. Barcelona, 2010.
  • MARZAL FELICI, Javier, et. al. Teoría y práctica de la producción audiovisual. Tiranc lo Blanch. Valencia, 2008.
  • MORAN, Albert y MALBON, Justin. Understanding the global TV format. Intellect . Bristol, 2006.
  • SAINZ, Miguel. El productor audiovisual. Síntesis, Madrid. 2002.
  • SALÓ, Gloria. ¿Qué es eso del formato? Como nace y se desarrolla un programa de televisión. Gedisa, Madrid. 2003.
  • TOLEDANO, Gonzalo y VERDE, Nuria. Cómo crear una serie de televisión. T & B Editores, Madrid. 2007.
Additional Bibliography
  • AA.VV . Libro Blanco del Audiovisual. Hacia una nueva política audiovisual. Écija & Asociados, Madrid. 2005.
  • AA.VV . Libro Blanco del Audiovisual. Cómo producir y financiar una obra audiovisual. Écija & Asociados, Madrid. 2000.
  • ARIJON, Daniel. Gramática del lenguaje audiovisual. ESCIVI. Andoáin . 1998.
  • BUSTAMANTE, Enrique. La televisión económica. Financiación, estrategias y mercados. Gedisa, Barcelona. 1999.
  • CLEMENTE MEDIAVILLA, Jorge. Introducción al software de gestión en la producción audiovisual. Fragua. Madrid. 2004.
  • CUBELLS, Mariola. ¿Quién cocina la televisión que comemos? La dieta televisiva y sus cocineros. Carroggio, Barcelona. 2006.
  • ECIJA ABOGADOS. Derecho del entretenimiento. Thomson & Aranzadi. 2003.
  • EGEDA. Panorama audiovisual . Madrid. 2012.
  • EGEDA. Panorama audiovisual Madrid. 2012.
  • ENTERTAINMENT PARTNERS. Manual en castellano, Movie Magic Scheduling. Arkadin, Madrid. 2008.
  • FAPAE . Memoria anual 2011. Madrid. 2012.
  • HALLIGAN, Fionnuala. Filmcraft: Production design. Focal Press. 2012.
  • HARRINGTON, Richard y WEISER, Mark. Producing video podcasts. A guide for media professionals. Focal Press. 2008.
  • MILLERSON, Gerald. Técnicas de realización y producción en televisión. IORTV, Madrid. 2008.
  • OWENS, Jim. Television Sports Production. Focal Press. 2006.
  • SWEETOW, Stuart. Corporate video production beyond the board room. Focal Press. 2011.
  • VACA BERDAYES, Ricardo. El perfil de la audiencia. Cuatro y La Sexta 2005-2008. Barlovento Comunicación. Madrid. 2010.
  • ZETTL, Herbert. El manual de producción para vídeo y televisión. ESCIVI, Andoáin. 1998.
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