Checking date: 07/09/2022

Course: 2024/2025

International journalism I: global information
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)

Coordinating teacher: TUÑON NAVARRO, JORGE FELIX

Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
* Filosofía Política. Primer curso. Formación básica * Economía. Primer curso. Formación básica * Técnicas de búsqueda y uso de la información. Segundo curso. Obligatoria * Información Periodística sobre Situaciones, Tendencias y Problemas Sociales. Tercer curso. Obligatoria *Historia Universal. Tercer curso. Optativa * Estadística Aplicada al Periodismo. Primer curso. Formación básica * La Noticia Periodística. Primer curso. Obligatoria * Habilidades: Inglés. Primer curso. Formación básica
The student must achieve the ability to write fluently enough journalistic texts of both general information, such as interpretation and opinion on the current theme applied to different international areas (policy, institutions and agencies, conflicts, events, catastrophes, society, etc.. .) This will require work in four areas of preparation: 1) Knowledge as broad as possible about how the world works today and in the immediate past; 2) Ability to analyze present; 3) Mastery of specialized techniques applicable to the matter (sources, methods of work, gender, etc..) and 4) Proper use of terminology and language specific to this specialty.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The course syllabus is divided into seven thematic topics: 1) General: 1.1 .- The background of global and international journalism and the different theoretical frameworks 1.2.- Correspondents, envoys and legal coverage 1.3 .- The functions and dysfunctions of international information 1.4 .- The traditional and current sources. 2) Evolution of war and conflict journalism. Propaganda: 2.1 .- The type of conflict information 2.2 .- Forms of censorship and propaganda and ethical and professional response 2.3 .- The coverage of the wars in the twentieth and twenty-first century 2.4 .- The treatment of conflicts less visible and e-wars. 3) The information on terrorism and disasters: 3.1 .- AlQaeda and cyberterrorism 3.2 .- Organized crime 3.3 .- Climate change, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, volcanoes, accidents etc. 4) The information from international agencies: 4.1 .- The UN, NATO, the EU, WHO, the G-8, the G-20 4.2 .- The large NGOs 4.3 .- International cooperation. 5) The international political information: 5.1 .- International relationships: principles and current status. The leading think tanks and their analysis and proposals 5.2 .- The elections, the crisis of governance, and regime change 5.3 .- The internal information of the countries. 6) Information on geopolitical areas: 6.1.- Europe 6.2 .- United States 6.3 .- Latin America 6.4 .- China and East Asia 6.5 .- Near and Middle East 6.6 .- Arab World and Africa. 7) Global Information in the Twenty-First Century 7.1 .- The global information available to everyone: culture, religion, events, science 7.2 .- The Internet's impact on the evolution of international society: social networks and the Wikileaks case 7.3 .- The international section in the digital age.
Learning activities and methodology
The course has 6 credits, of which three correspond to the theoretical content and the other three to the practical, balanced combination of basic theoretical knowledge with the exhibition capacity in all genres, formats and print, audiovisual and digital media. Activities will be based, as in the study and comparative analysis of some of the media in specific cases and on specific issues. The work may be individual or group, whether written or oral, according to the methodology of the course. To do this, we will follow a working method based on: 1) Lectures, which will explain the basis of reference to apply to information 2) Practical classes with the review and analysis of articles, documents, films, film clips, videos, interviews, etc. illustrating the work to be carried out by the students 3) Tests on current international agenda, in order to track the latest developments 4) Writing articles, reports, reviews, interviews and more. as well as attending press conferences, lectures, debates, etc. 5) Specific tutorials working in groups to prepare and conduct deliberations; 6) Digital Forum, Aula Global primarily, to exchange information and views on matters topical interest. On the other hand, some classes will be borne by journalists who ply their trade in different areas of the world and institutions as well as experts and representatives or spokespersons qualified international organizations. Since the subject has a face character, class attendance is considered mandatory, absences must be justified lasting to implement individual work plans. May establish control mechanisms assists.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Alvarado, Héctor. El rostro de la prensa de calidad. La información internacional desde la portada de los grandes diarios. Textual and Visual Media, nº 1, 2008, pp. 21-48.
  • Appy, Christian. La Guerra de Vietnam: una historia oral. Crítica, 2008.
  • Aranguren, Teresa. Olivo roto: escenas de la ocupación. Colección Caballo de Troya, 2006.
  • Belenguer Jané, Mariano. Periodismo de viajes. Análisis de una especialización periodística. Ed. Comunicación, 2009.
  • Berganza Conde, Mª Rosa. Las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo como comicios de segundo orden. Estudios del Mensaje Periodístico nº 14, 2008, pp. 15-31.
  • Calduch, Rafael. Tratamiento de la información internacional. Prensa Ibérica, 1995.
  • Carrillo Bernal, Javier. Paradima Netflix. El entretenimiento de algoritmo. UOC. 2018
  • Caryl, Christian. War and Remembrance. Newsweek, October 27, 2008, p. 65.
  • Collier, Paul. El club de la miseria. Turner, 2008.
  • Fernández, Juan Manuel. El mito de la prensa como adversario en la guerra del Vietnam. Política Exterior nº 47 IX- Octubre / Noviembre 1995, pp. 133-140.
  • Filkins, Dexter-. La guerra eterna-. Crítica, 2009.
  • Fisk, Robert-. La gran guerra por la civilización-. Destino, 2005.
  • Gilboa, Eytan. Media and International conflict: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Journal of Dispute Resolution. Vol. 2007, No. 1, pp. 229-237.
  • González Aldea, Patricia. El periodismo internacional en la era digital. Ediciones Idea. 2014
  • González Aldea, Patricia. El periodismo internacional en la era digital. Ediciones Idea. 2014
  • Gutiérrez Coba, Liliana Mª. Lecciones para aprender del cubrimiento de hechos violentos. Palabra Clave, Vol. 8 (2003).
  • Hargreaves, Ian. JOURNALISM: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press . 2005
  • Jaber, Hala. Alfombra Mágica sobre Bagdad. Roca, 2009.
  • Jake, L & Mcgoldrick, A. Peace Journalism. Hawthorn Press, Gloustershire, 2005.
  • Jar Couselo, Gonzalo. Periodistas y guerra: una perspectiva desde el derecho internacional humanitario. Derecho Internacional Humanitario (revista), 2007.
  • Jar Couselo, Gonzalo. La protección de los periodistas en caso de conflicto armado. Tirant lo Blanch, 2007.
  • Jorge Tuñón. Europa frente al Brexit, el populismo y la desinformación. . Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia. ISBN 978-84-18534-06-5.. 2021
  • Marthoz, Jean-Paul. Journalisme International. De Boeck. 2012
  • Martín, Aurelio (coord.). Seguiremos informando. Ed. La Catarata, 2010.
  • Moreno Fernández, Luis. Europa sin Estados. La Catarata. 2014
  • Muro Benayas, Ignacio. Globalización de la información y agencias de información. Paidos, 2006.
  • Nicolás Gavilán, Mª Teresa. Los ojos que miran el conflicto israelí-palestino. Cuadernos de Periodistas nº 17, Julio 2009, pp. 51-60.
  • Nuñez, Jesús; Hageraatz, Balder; Kotomska, Malgorzata. Terrorismo internacional en África. La Catarata, 2009.
  • Obijiofor, Levi & Hanusch, Folker. Journalism across cultures: An introduction. Palgrave Macmillan . 2011
  • Owen, John & Purdey Heather. International News Reporting: Frontlines and Deadlines. Blackwell Publishing. 2009
  • Pizarroso, Alejandro. Información de guerra y propaganda. Nuevas Tendencias de la Comunicación. Ciclos Complutenses. Comunicación, 2008.
  • Poch-de-Feliu, Rafael. La actualidad de China. Un mundo en crisis, una sociedad en gestación. Ed. Crítica, 2009.
  • Seib, P. The global journalist. News and conscience in a world of conflict. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, 2002.
  • Seib, Philip. Al Jazeera English: Global News in a Changing World . Palgrave Macmillan. 2012
  • Serrano, Pascual. Desinformación. Como los medios ocultan el mundo. Península, 2009.
  • Tuñón, Jorge . Comunicación Internacional: Información y Desinformación global en el siglo XXI. Fragua. 2017
  • Tuñón, Jorge . Global Information Challenges in the XXI Century: INTERNATIONAL JOURNALISM . Copy Red / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 2016
  • Tuñón, Jorge; Bouza, Luis (eds) . Europa en tiempos de desinformación y pandemia. Comares, Granada. ISBN 978-84-1369-063-6.. Comares, Granada. ISBN 978-84-1369-063-6.. 2021
  • Tuñón, Jorge; Bouza, Luis; Carral, Uxía . Comunicación Europea ¿A quién doy like para hablar con Europa?. Dykinson. 2019
  • Williams, Kevin. International Journalism. SAGE. 2011

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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