Checking date: 22/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Theory and analysis of the documentary film
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)

Coordinating teacher: CARRERA ALVAREZ, MARIA PILAR

Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences and Law

Students will: Acquire a global perspective about documentary film and its evolution. Identify the main debates surrounding documentary film. Identify the different documentary genres and styles. Recognize the new trends and formats in documentary film. Learn the basics of documentary narrative. Be able to apply the basics of documentary storytelling to tell a story.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Introduction to the notion of documentary. Historical and epistemological issues 2. Narrating the real? Staging and rhetorical mediation 3. From document to argument 4. Documentary and fiction 5. Documentary and historical narrative 6. "Documentary effect" and modes of reception 7. Documentary in the 21st century
Learning activities and methodology
Practical training Readings Online resources (MOOCs, OCW...) Screenings Textual / Film analysis Teamwork Discussion Forums Tutorías
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Baker, M.. Documentary in the Digital Age. Focal Press. 2005
  • Barnouw, E.. El documental. Historia y Estilo.. Barcelona, Gedisa, 1998..
  • Barsam, R. M.. Non-Fiction Film. Indiana University Press. 1992
  • Barthes, R.. "L'effet de réel". Communications, 11. 1968
  • Bazin, A.. Qué es el cine. Rialp. 2001
  • Brecht, B.. Sur le realisme. L'Arche. 1976
  • Carrera, P y Talens, J.. El relato documental. Efectos de sentido y modos de recepción. Cátedra. 2018
  • Carrera, P.. Documentary inscription in fiction films. Studies in Documentary Film . 2021
  • Carrera, P.. Basado en hechos reales. Mitologías mediáticas e imaginario digital. Cátedra. 2020
  • Eco, U. . El mensaje persuasivo. Telos 65. 2005
  • Genette, G.. "Fictional narrative. Factual narrative". Poetics Today, 11. 1990
  • Goldmist, D. A.. El documental. Entrevista en exclusiva a quince maestros. Océano. 2003
  • Kahana, J.. The Documentary Film Reader. Oxford Unievrsity Press. 2016
  • Kilborn, R. y Izod, J.. Confronting Reality: An Introduction to Television Documentary. Manchester University Press. 1997
  • León, J. L.. Persuasión de masas.. Bilbao, Ediciones Deusto, 1989..
  • Morris, Errol. Believing is Seeing. Penguin Press. 2011
  • Nichols, B.. La representación de la realidad: Cuestiones y conceptos sobre el documental. Paidós. 2007
  • Nietzsche, F.. Sobre verdad y mentira.. Madrid, Tecnos, 1990..
  • Saunders, D.. Documentary. Routledge Film Guidebooks. 2010
  • Vaughan, D.. For Documentary. California University Press. 1999
  • Zunzunegui, S.. Pensar la imagen . Cátedra. 2007

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.