Checking date: 01/07/2022

Course: 2023/2024

External Academic Internships I
Bachelor in Journalism (Study Plan 2017) (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)


Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Enrollment in this course, 6 credits, 110 ECTS required to have passed the curriculum in which it is registered (Bachelor in Journalism). The student agrees to complete a minimum of 150 hours of practice within the academic year of the academic year or during the three summer months. To do this, students communicate in writing with the approval of the company, the environment where it has a place and type of work to be undertaken, so that the university and the company sign, if there is none-the agreement for, while formalizing the individual agreement for each student. Enrollment in Practicum is not equivalent to any form of contract and financial rewards of the Company is discretionary, where do such practices.To validate this subject is necessary to have madethe practice after passing the classes 1 and 2 of Journalism degree.
Ability to carry out journalistic work in the context of the mass media. Familiarity with routine information, group dynamics and production rates as part of the mass media or institutional areas and institutions specialized in communication.
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The actual content of the practice in the field of journalistic communication will be determined by the institution or company in which the student perform the practice.
Learning activities and methodology
Completed the period of 150 hours and after being enrolled in the course, the student will present Professor a memory of practices following the directions published in Global classroom. Also will deliver a report of the guardian of the company according to the model published in classroom Global.En third place will present eight work carried out during the internship. If the students could not deliver the eight works, it will present a proof of the company indicating the type of activity carried out. Group mentoring: during the semester, the Professor maintains several collective tutoring with students to guide them in the documentation to submit, monitor it and informal evaluation system. Individual tutoring: the course the teacher keeps tutoring individual students to guide them in the delivery of documents.
Assessment System
Completed the period of 150 hours and once enrolled in the course, the student will present to Professor a memory. This memory, together with the report of the tutor and the eight works presented, will serve for the final, according to the degree of achievement shown qualification, professional assessment of the work performed and practical knowledge.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.