Checking date: 13/12/2021

Course: 2023/2024

Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)


Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Bachelor Thesis
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
To register the Degree Project, it is a requirement to have also registered all pending subjects for the completion of studies. The defense of the TFG is allowed to those students who have a number of credits pending to pass equal to or less than 30 ECTS credits.
- Training to organize and present a research work of a theoretical-analytical nature, based on rigorous documentation work and methodology. - Training to conceptualize and analyze communicative phenomena of a mediatic nature and, at a higher level of concreteness, journalistic information with its communicative specificities and verification processes, within the framework of Western capitalist democracies. - Acquisition of theoretical-practical competencies that allow them to base journalistic practice in accordance with the nature and objectives of journalistic information, thus avoiding falling into the forms of blindness characteristic of a self-referential and tautological practice.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. The Final Degree Project (TFG) is a compulsory subject taken in the second semester of the fourth year and has a study load of 6 ECTS. It consists of carrying out individual work, which can be an investigation or a journalistic project, in which the student will apply the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired during their studies. Exceptionally, when the characteristics of the work justify it, the authorship may correspond to a maximum of two students with prior authorization from the Academic Director of the degree. 2. The Final Degree Projects can have three modalities: - Academic Research Project - Entrepreneurial project applicable to industry (press, radio, tv or multimedia) - Journalistic report (press, radio, tv or multimedia) 3. The structure of the TFG in Journalism must conform to one of the following profiles: a. Theoretical / methodological work on aspects related to the current situation of journalism. b. Historical works that analyze aspects related to the evolution of journalism and its links with social change c. Product design projects or information channels d. Journalistic business projects and their feasibility study and. Technical or organizational studies of journalistic activity F. Analysis and resolution of real practical cases in the field of the degree g. Bibliographic review and description of the situation and state of the issue on issues related to journalistic activity.
Learning activities and methodology
Completion of an end-of-degree project (6.0 ECTS) on a topic proposed by the student, with the approval of the tutor and under continuous supervision and advice from the tutor. The collective tutorials of an informative nature will be given by the coordinator of the subject throughout the semester on all the characteristics and stages of the process: - Enrollment and choice of modality or offer - Assignment of a tutor and preparation of the project by the student - Confirmation, delivery and defense of the TFG
Assessment System
1. All students will have to defend their TFG before a tribunal that will be made up of the two teachers. The tribunal are face-to-face and will be held in the morning or afternoon. They are also public sessions, open according to the capacity of the classroom. 2. The ordinary convocation of tribunals will have two calls: June and September 3. Prior to the defense, the TFG tutor, will make a report on the TFG done that will be sent to the other members of the tribunal and that will account for 30% of the final grade. 4. The student, for 10 minutes, will defend the strengths of his TFG. They can use audiovisual tools. Subsequently, the members of the tribunal will ask them questions and comments. 5. The members of the tribunal will be responsible for 70% of the final grade. The tutor will assume 30% of the rest of the student's final grade. Once the public presentation of all the TFGs is finished (at the end of the tribunal session), and after the deliberation period (behind closed doors), the tribunal will communicate to the students personally, privately and individually, the final grade of theis TFG. 6. The students will be able to claim their final score of the TFG in writing to the coordinator of the TFG of the corresponding Degree that will appoint a tribunal to study all the claims. The University uses the Turnitin Feedback Studio program for the submission of student work. This program compares the originality of the work submitted by each student with millions of electronic resources and detects those parts of the text copied and / or pasted.
Basic Bibliography
  • Ana Reyes Pacios Lozano. Técnicas de búsqueda y uso de la información. Universitaria Ramón Areces. 2013
  • Lorenzo Vilches. La investigación en comunicación: métodos y técnicas en la era digital. Gedisa. 2011
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional information
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.