Checking date: 24/04/2023

Course: 2023/2024

History of writing, publishing, and reading
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)

Coordinating teacher: VILLALBA PEREZ, ENRIQUE

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


1. Define and relate concepts, sources, methods and related lines of work: Writing, reading society and culture. 2. To describe the main uses and writing practices throughout history. Authors and texts. 3. To describe the main uses and reading practices throughout history. Readers and audiences. 4. To describe the main supports and formats such uses throughout history. Books and newspapers. 5. Define the relationship between social structures and culture and manifestations of literacy. 6. Identify common problems throughout history in the relationship between culture and technology written. 7. Use sources, resources and services to consider these problems. 8. Determine a pattern of responses to these issues. 9. Reload such issues and assess the implications of learning for current editing practices, reading and writing.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Provide an overview of the history of writing, stands, book, publishing, reading and practice, etc.., From clay tablets to the eBook. It will not be an exhaustive but focus on some highlights to understand how all the reading and writing practices, also journalistic-are integrated throughout history, in the logic of a social uses written culture and the sense that the technologies have in them, through the study of: - Word and writing: orality, writing, book, management ... - Social History of Written Culture - Writing and reading in antiquity - The medieval codex. Uses and literacy practices - Printing and incunabula - Culture Writing & Editing in the sixteenth and seventeenth - Printing and Illustration - The contemporary edition. Books and reading today - The book and the information technology - Digital culture
Learning activities and methodology
Acquisition of knowledge and skills (4 ECTS) through lectures, teaching materials prepared by the teacher -dossiers with diagrams, bibliography, texts and documents, power point presentations for each teaching unit, 'specialist recommended reading as well as through the work study students' personal, face and online tutoring. Some technical visit will complete this knowledge. The theoretical knowledge are related to studies on the documentation provided with the skills and abilities in integrated education. It is related to competencies 1, 2, 3 and 4. Acquisition of skills and abilities (2 ECTS) through text comments, the case analysis and discussion of readings and compulsory labor, detached, compared to various literacy practices. It relates to the competencies 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • BLOM, Philipp, . Encyclopédie. El triunfo de la razón en tiempos irracionales, . Anagrama,. 2007.
  • BOWMAN, Alan y WOOLF, Gregs, comps., . Cultura escrita y poder en el Mundo Antiguo, . Gedisa,. 2000.
  • BRIGSS, Asa y BURKE, Peter,. De Gutenberg a internet. Una historia social de los medios de comunicación,. Taurus,. 2002.
  • CASTILLO, Antonio,. Historia mínima del libro y la lectura,. Siete Mares,. 2004.
  • CASTILLO, Antonio, coord.,. Historia de la cultura escrita. Del Próximo Oriente Antiguo a la sociedad informatizada, . Trea,. 2002.
  • CHARTIER, Roger,. Inscribir y borrar. Cultura escrita y literatura (siglos XI-XVIII),. Katz,. 2006.
  • CLAYTON, Ewan,. La Historia de la Escritura,. Siruela,. 2015.
  • CUE, Alberto, ed.,. Cultura escrita, literatura e historia. Conversaciones con Roger Chartier, . FCE,. 1999.
  • DARNTON, Robert,. Censores trabajando. De cómo los Estados dieron forma a la literatura,. FCE,. 2014.
  • DARNTON, Robert, . El coloquio de los lectores. Ensayos sobre autores, manuscritos, editores y lectores,. FCE,. 2003.
  • DARNTON, Robert, . Las razones del libro. Futuro, presente y pasado, . Trama,. 2010.
  • GIMENO BLAY, Francisco M., . Scripta manent. De las ciencias auxiliares a la historia de la cultura escrita,. Universidad de Granada,. 2008.
  • GREENBLATT, Stephen,. El giro. De cómo un manuscrito olvidado contribuyó a crear el mundo moderno,. Crítica,. 2012.
  • LLEDÓ, Emilio,. El silencio de la escritura,. Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, . 1991.
  • LUCÍA MEGÍAS, José Manuel,. Elogio del texto digital. Claves para interpretar el nuevo paradigma,. Fórcola,. 2012.
  • LYONS, Martyn, . Historia de la lectura y de la escritura en el mundo occidental,. Editoras de Calderón,. 2012.
  • MACIÁ, Mateo,. El bálsamo de la memoria: un estudio sobre comunicación escrita,. Visor,. 2000.
  • OLSON, David R.,. El mundo sobre el papel. El impacto de la escritura y la lectura en la estructura del conocimiento, . Gedisa, . 1998.
  • ONG, Walter J.,. Oralidad y escritura: Tecnologías de la palabra,. FCE,. 1987.
  • ORDINE, Nuccio,. La utilidad de lo inútil. Manifiesto,. Acantilado,. 2013.
  • PETRUCCI, Armando, . Libros, escrituras y bibliotecas,. Universidad de Salamanca,. 2011.
  • PIGLIA, Ricardo, . El último lector,. Debolsillo Ebook. 2014.
  • SÁDABA, Igor; DOMÍNGUEZ, Mario; ROWAN, Jaron; MARTÍNEZ, Rubén y ZEMOS98, . La tragedia del copyright. Bien común, propiedad intelectual y crisis de la industria cultural, . Virus Editorial,. 2013.
  • VIÑAO, Antonio, . Leer y escribir. Historia de dos prácticas culturales,. México,. 1999.
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional Bibliography
  • ALBERCA, Manuel,. La escritura invisible. Testimonios sobre el diario íntimo,. La Tinta náufraga,. 2000.
  • BARTOLOMÉ, J; GONZÁLEZ, Mª. C.; y QUIJADA, M., eds., . La escritura y el libro en la Antigüedad, . Ediciones Clásicas,. 2004.
  • BONFANTES, L. et alii,. Leyendo el pasado. Antiguas escrituras del cuneiforme al alfabeto,. Akal,. 2003.
  • CARDONA, Giorgio Raimondo,. Antropología de la escritura,. Gedisa,. 1994.
  • CASTILLO, Antonio, coord., . La conquista del alfabeto. Escritura y clases populares,. Trea,. 2002.
  • HAVELOCK, Eric A.,. La musa aprende a escribir: reflexiones sobre oralidad y escritura desde la Antigüedad al presente,. Paidós,. 1996.
  • INFANTES, Víctor; LOPEZ, François; BOTREL, Jean-François, dirs.,. Historia de la edición y de la lectura en España, 1472-1914, . Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez,. 2003.
  • LAFUENTE, Antonio, ALONSO, Andoni & RODRÍGUEZ, Joaquín,. ¡Todos sabios!. Ciencia ciudadana y conocimiento expandido,. Cátedra,. 2013.
  • MARCHAMALO, Jesús,. Tocar los libros, . Fórcola,. 2010.
  • MARTIN, Henri-Jean,. Historia y poderes de lo escrito, . TREA,. 1999.
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
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The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.