Part 1
Speech, Rhetoric and the Media
Topic 2.- Memorable speeches throughout history: Pericles, Cicero, Luther King, Kennedy, Obama
Theme 3.- Elements of a good speech. From rhetorical tools to stage control
Topic 4.- From Storytelling to Storydoing
The spokesman as a speaker: from press conferences to interviews
Theme 6.- The political debate: from state craft to stage craft
Part 2 Jean Monnet Chair: "EU, disinformation and fake news"
These contents will be taught in the first part of the subject in a transversal way
Topic 7.- Disinformation and fake news: fact checking and how to detect hoaxes
Topic 8.- The discourse in politics: from spin doctor to story spinner and Facebook politics
Topic 8.- Populist discourses: from Brexit and anti-European rhetoric to anti-science
Item 9.- Disinformation and fake news in election campaigns.
Topic 10.- European communication: parliamentary, social, media and scientific discourse in the EU