Checking date: 15/07/2023

Course: 2023/2024

Mass media oratory
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)

Coordinating teacher: ELIAS PEREZ, CARLOS JOSE

Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
This course is part of the Jean Monnet Chair "EU, Disinformation and Fake News". It is recommended that students have knowledge of the subject News reporting
Students have to recognize the fundamentals of persuasive public speaking (oratory), using those skills to establish a more effective communication with the public as well as through the mass media discourse. Students must know how to detect the fake news and be competent in fact checking techniques The student understands that the European Union is above all a collective communication project.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Part 1 Speech, Rhetoric and the Media Topic 2.- Memorable speeches throughout history: Pericles, Cicero, Luther King, Kennedy, Obama Theme 3.- Elements of a good speech. From rhetorical tools to stage control Topic 4.- From Storytelling to Storydoing The spokesman as a speaker: from press conferences to interviews Theme 6.- The political debate: from state craft to stage craft Part 2 Jean Monnet Chair: "EU, disinformation and fake news" These contents will be taught in the first part of the subject in a transversal way Topic 7.- Disinformation and fake news: fact checking and how to detect hoaxes Topic 8.- The discourse in politics: from spin doctor to story spinner and Facebook politics Topic 8.- Populist discourses: from Brexit and anti-European rhetoric to anti-science Item 9.- Disinformation and fake news in election campaigns. Topic 10.- European communication: parliamentary, social, media and scientific discourse in the EU
Learning activities and methodology
The course consists of two different parts: First, a theoretical part, where students get an introduction to the craft of public speaking, practicing the preparation and delivery of persuasive speeches. The second part deals with fake news in speeches and fact checking techniques. It is part of the Jean Monnet chair of "EU, Disinformation and Fake News". A PRACTICAL part in which the students will write their own speeches and read them in class They must also submit the first chapter of a novel (as a storytelling technique) They will participate in a collective fact checking project As far as possible, a plenary session of the Spanish Parlament will be attended to analyse political discourse and oratory
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Basic Bibliography
  • Elías, C. Science on the Ropes. Decline of Scientific Culture in the Era of Fake News. Springer-Nature. 2019
  • Lucas, S.E.. The art of public speaking. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2007
  • Standage, T. Writing in the Wall. Social Media the First 2.000 Years. Bloombsury. 2013
  • VV.AA.. Public speaking: The virtual text. The Public Speaking Project. [Online]: 2011
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
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The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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