Checking date: 18/07/2023

Course: 2023/2024

Television Journalism
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)


Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Image Theory Introducing to Communication and Media Studies News Reporting
This subject is an initiation in Television Journalism applied to the news as a priority, teaching on jobsite-focused training. Script, filming, presentation, voice and edit TV stories are the mains goals. Also, an introduction to the news programs production. Students, therefore, must reach the knowledge of current work on television: Analysis methodology, diversity of markets, formats, genres, media, technology exploitation and integration of multimedia. They must also achieve the goal of knowledge the rules of broadcast messages in television news: concepts of public service and social role and its relationship with the entertainment and audiovisual show. Finally, they had to knowledge basic control of the tools and technologies applied to the environment, the organization of the production process and realization of image and sound, editing news and information programs. All tasks will depend on the health situation.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. TV News. First Approach 2. The Reality on TV 3. Journalistic Genres 4. Creating TV News 5. Newscast 6. Organization Chart 7. Presentation for TV Anchors 8. Case Study 9. Interviews, Opinion Content, Political/Leader ¿s Debate 10. Commercialization of Tv News 11. History of TV in Spain 12. Digital TV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Video news report 2. Editing 3. TV Studio The student should consult the syllabus, material and assessment system. The weekly planning will be implemented and adjusted according to the evolution of the group.
Learning activities and methodology
Combination of theoretical lessons (3 ECTS) and case studies (3 ECTS). The first will be oriented in two ways: 1. Lectures, under a detailed agenda includes proposals from documentary sources and reference audiovisual content. 2. Conceptual and research work by the student itself from the guidelines provided. The case studies/Practical exercise will be aimed at: A1. Analysis tv news. P1 Design/Produce own TV news by use of tools of shooting and editing. Additionally, analysis works. P2 Design/Perform a news program using the techniques of television broadcasting production. Additionally, analyzes of television programs.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 30
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 70

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • ARIJON, Daniel. "Grammar of the Film Language". Silman-James Press . 1991
  • ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCIAL TELEVISION IN EUROPE,. "Safeguarding the Future of the European Audiovisual Market (March 2004)", "State Aid and Public Broadcasting (January 2009)". ACT. POSITION PAPERS, EPC (European Publishers Council).
  • BARROSO GARCIA, Jaime. "Realización Audiovisual". Síntesis. 2008.
  • BBC. "Filmmaking for the Web". On line Course.. BBC TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT.
  • BBC. "Building public value. Renewing the BBC for a digital world, June 2004".. BBC. CHARTER AND AGREEMENT.
  • BBC. "Directrices editoriales. Valores y criterios de la BBC". APM. 2007
  • BOURDIEU, Pierre. Sobre la televisio¿n. Anagrama. 1997
  • Bourdieu, Pierre. Sobre la televisio¿n. Anagrama. 1997
  • DÍAZ ARIAS, Rafael. La informacio¿n periodi¿stica en televisio¿n. La construccio¿n del mundo en ima¿genes y sonidos. Síntesis. 2017
  • Díaz Arias, Rafael. La informacio¿n periodi¿stica en televisio¿n. La construccio¿n del mundo en ima¿genes y sonidos. Síntesis. 2017
  • LIMÓN SERRANO, Nieves y ROSIQUE CEDILLO, Gloria. "La gamificación y la corresponsabilidad como herramientas de aprendizaje y evaluación universitaria: análisis de estrategias para la asignatura de Televisión Informativa". En Nuevas técnicas docentes. EDICIONES PIRÁMIDE (GRUPO ANAYA). 2020
  • MAYORAL, Javier. "Redacción Periodística en Televisión". Síntesis. 2008
  • MILLERSON, Gerald . "The Technique of Television Production". Focal Press. 2008
  • PALACIO, Manuel. Historia de la televisio¿n en Espan¿a. Gedisa. 2001
  • POLO DE GUINEA, Emilio y MONTESDEOCA, Francisco. "Locución y presentación televisiva". IORTV. 1998
  • REDONDO, Myriam. Verificacio¿n digital para periodistas. Manual contra bulos y desinformacio¿n internacional. UOC. 2018
  • THOMPSON, Roy. "Manual de montaje. Gramática del montaje cinematográfico". Plot Ediciones. 2001
Additional Bibliography
  • AULETTA, Ken. "Sign-Off . The Long and Complicated Career of Dan Rather". THE NEW YORKER, Marzo, 2005. ANNALS OF COMMUNICATION.
  • BARNOUW, Erik. "Tube of Plenty". Oxford University Press. 1990
  • HILMES, Michele y JACBS, Jason (eds.) . "The Television History Book". British Film Institute. 2003
  • Serie documental . "Las caras de la noticia" Canal+.
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