Checking date: 20/05/2022

Course: 2022/2023

Narrative in Journalism
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)

Coordinating teacher: CONTE IMBERT, DAVID

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


The basic objective of the course is to present and train the student in the recognition and analysis of the fundamental components in the structuring and enunciation of narrative discourses, from the perspective of literary and comparative narratology, and with special attention to different models of narrative Hybrid between literature and journalism. To know the compositional forms or fundamental axes that govern the evolution of the narrative forms in the modernity and the antecedents of the narrative models in the evolution of the journalistic practices. This knowledge proposes to combine a chronological perspective with a perspective applied to a series of concrete texts, uniting the literary and journalistic perspectives from the common trunk of the narrative techniques, as they are studied in the field of literary theory. Ability to produce texts that try to handle or reproduce the different narrative approaches studied, enabling the interpretive dimension to lead to the collective and individual creation of texts that are consistent with the variety of approaches.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1st Conceptual and methodological tools of narratological analysis: modalization (enunciative structuring, modes and points of view in narrative voices, strategies of discursive dialogism); Timing (order, rhythm); Spatialization; Worlds of fiction, etc. 2nd Evolution of the compositional forms of the story through a very condensed selection of stories and novels, from a chronological perspective and with the emphasis placed on the writers who inspire the main forms of journalistic narrative. 3º Study of the narrative models of the main milestones in the contemporary history of the literary narrative in the press: from Hemingway to the new American journalism (Capote, Wolfe); From García Márquez to Kapucinski, through the Spanish tradition of journalistic narrative (Noucentisme, Julio Camba, etc.). 4th Study of the narrative forms of current journalism. Microrrelates: the articuento. Theory of the intermedial narrative: from the photographic essay to the journalistic report. 5º New forms of narrative and narrative articulation in digital journalism: blogs, RSS, narrative implications of new methods of visualization of information, etc.
Learning activities and methodology
1. Theoretical classes that will explain the methodological contents and the main evolutions of the narrative approaches linked to the evolution of journalistic techniques. 2. Practical classes: interpretation and analysis of narrative texts in the light of the various theoretical approaches proposed. 3. Collective work in groups, focused on the elaboration and production of a narrative text managing the different styles and approaches developed in class. 4. Individual work on a selection of the main works of journalistic narration.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Cantavella, Juan. La novela sin ficción: cuando el periodismo y la narrativa se dan la mano. Septem. 2002
  • Chiappe, Domenico. Tan real como la ficción (Herramientas narrativas en periodismo). Laertes. 2010
  • Chillón Asensio, Lluís Albert. Literatura y periodismo: una tradición de relaciones promiscuas. UAB. 1999
  • Villanueva, Darío. El comentario de textos narrativos. La novela. Júcar. 1992
  • Wolfe, Tom. El nuevo periodismo. Anagrama. 1976
Additional Bibliography
  • Fernández Parratt, Sonia. Introducción al reportaje: antecendentes, actualidad y perspectivas. Publicaciones Universidad Santiago de Compostela. 2003
  • Gutiérrez Palacio, Javier (coord.). De Azorín a Umbral: un siglo de periodismo literario español. Netbiblo. 2009
  • Habermas, Jürgen. Historia y crítica de la función pública. Gustavo Gili. 1996
  • Iñigo, Alejandro. Periodismo literario. Ediciones Gernika (México). 1997
  • Martín Garzo, Gustavo. ¿Verdad y ficción¿, Jornadas sobre periodismo y literatura. Tordesillas. 1999
  • Noortwijk, Annelies van. Periodismo y literatura. Rodopi. 1997
  • Rebollo Sánchez, Félix. Literatura y periodismo hoy. Fragua. 2000
  • Rebollo Sánchez, Félix. Periodismo y movimientos literarios contemporáneos. Laberinto. 2002
  • Rodríguez Rodríguez, Jorge Miguel & Ángulo Egea, María (coords.). Periodismo literario. Naturaleza, antecedentes, paradigmas y perspectivas. Fragua. 2010
  • Urrutia, Jorge. La verdad convenida. Biblioteca Nueva. 1997
  • Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel. Informe sobre la información. Fonatnella. 1975

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.