Checking date: 04/06/2021

Course: 2021/2022

History of Spain
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)


Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences and Law

Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
History of Spain, High School
1. Acquire a comprehensive understanding of changes, ruptures and continuities of social and political contemporary Spanish history. 2. Relate historical events and processes of 19th and 20th centuries with the Spanish present. 3. Awareness of respect for views derived from other national or cultural backgrounds. 4. Ability to communicate orally using the terminology and techniques accepted in the historiographical profession. 5. Ability to identify and appropriately use sources of information for historical research. 6. Knowledge and ability to use the instruments of information gathering, such as library catalogs, archive inventories and electronic references. 7. Ability to manage digital information and techniques as well as to produce data relate to history. 8. Ability to organize complex historical information coherently. 9. Awareness of distinguishing historical approaches throughout different periods. 10. Awareness that historical discourse is constantly under construction.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The different historical phenomena are integrated from a fundamentally political perspective, with constant references to the European context. Similarly, the course will pay special attention to the problem of the Spanish nation and its articulation. 1. Society and economy in Spain 1900. The crisis of the system: Cuba War to World War I (1898-1914). 2. The final stage of Bourbon Restoration (1914-1923). The Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) 3. The Second Spanish Republic: origins, constitution and reforms (1930-1933) 4. The Second Spanish Republic: the center-right biennium (1933-1935), The crisis of the Republic. Elections and Popular Front (1936) 5. The origins of the Spanish Civil War (1936) 6. Political development of the conflict (1936-1939) 7. Development of military conflict (1936-1939). The international dimension of War (1936-1939) 8. Victors and vanquished in Spain. The beginnings of Franco Dictatorship (1939-1945) 9. Franco dictatorship and its survival (1945-1959) 10. The Stabilization Plan and the sixties (1959-1969) 11. The post-Franco era (1969-1976) 12. The transition to democracy (1976-1982) 13. The socialist era (1982-1996). The current Spain: light and shade (1996-2020)
Learning activities and methodology
The course is divided into theoretical and practical lectures. On the one hand, the theoretical lessons will be focused on explaining the course content and working with different historical sources related to the theory. On the other hand, the practical ones will be centered on analyzing different types of sources (texts, paintings, audiovisual¿) as well as on working on the different phases of an audiovisual research report.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • CARR, Raymond. Modern Spain, 1875-1980. Oxford University Press. 2001
  • CARR, Raymond. Spanish Tragedy: The Civil War In Perspective. W&N. 2000
  • ESDAILE, Charles J.. Spain in the Liberal Age: From Constitution to Civil War, 1808¿1939. Blackwell Publishers. 2000
  • GRAHAN, Helen. The Spanish Republic at War 1936-1939. Cambridge University Press. 2002
  • PAYNE, Stanley. The Franco Regime 1936-1975. University of Wisconsin Press. 2011
  • PAYNE, Stanley. The Spanish Civil War . Cambridge University Press. 2012
  • PRESTON, Paul. A people betrayed. A History of 20th century Spain. Harper Collins. 2020
  • RADCLIFF, Pamela. Modern Spain: 1808 to the Present. John Wiley & Sons. 2017
  • RICHARDS, Michael. A Time of Silence: Civil War and the Culture of Repression in Franco's Spain 1936-1945. Cambridge University Press. 1998
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional Bibliography
  • EALHAM, Chirs. The Splintering of Spain: Cultural History and the Spanish Civil War, 1936¿1939. University of the West of England, Bristol. 2005
  • PAYNE, Stanley. Fascism in Spain, 1923¿1977. University of Wisconsin Press. 1999
  • PAYNE, Stanley. The Collapse of the Spanish Republic, 1933-1936. Yale University Press. 2006
  • PRESTON, Paul. Franco: A Biography. Harper Collins. 1993
  • PRESTON, Paul. Juan Carlos: A People's King.. Harper Collins. 2004
  • PRESTON, Paul. The Spanish Holocaust: Inquisition and Extermination in Twentieth-Century Spain.. Harper Collins. 2012
  • RADCLIFF, Pamela. Making Democratic Citizens in Spain: Civil Society and the Popular Origins of the Transition, 1960-1978. Palgrave Macmillan. 2011
  • RICHARDS, Michael. After the Civil War: Making Memory and Re-making Spain since 1936. Cambridge University Press. 2013
  • SEIDMAN, Michael. Republic of Egos: A Social History of the Spanish Civil War. University of Wisconsin Press. 2002
  • SEIDMAN, Michael. The Victorious Counterrevolution: The Nationalist Effort in the Spanish Civil War. University of Wisconsin Press. 2011
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.