Checking date: 20/04/2020

Course: 2019/2020

History of Spain
Bachelor in Journalism (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 155 - Estudio: 212)


Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences and Law

Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
History of Spain, High School
1. Acquisition by students of the instruments needed to know, understand and critically appreciate the processes of change and continuity in society and contemporary Spanish politics. 2. Obtaining a critical awareness of the relationship between current events and processes and the latest in Spain last . 3. Awareness of respect for the views that are derived from other national or cultural backgrounds 4. Ability to communicate orally using the terminology and techniques accepted in the historiographical profession 5. Ability to identify and appropriately use sources of information for historical research 6. Knowledge and ability to use the instruments of information gathering, such as library catalogs , archive inventories and electronic references 7. Ability to manage resources and computer and Internet to produce historical data or techniques related to history 8. Ability to organize complex historical information coherently 9. Awareness of the differences in historiographical outlooks in various periods and contexts 10. Awareness that historical debate and research are constantly under construction
Description of contents: programme
The different historical phenomena are integrated from a fundamentally political perspective, with constant references to the European context. Similarly, the course will pay special attention to the problem of the Spanish nation and its articulation. 1. The origins of contemporary Spain 2. "La RestauraciĆ³n": Canovas system (1875-1898) 3. Society and economy in Spain 1900 4. The crisis of the system: Cuba War to World War I (1898-1914) 5. The final crisis (1914-1923) 6. Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) 7. The Second Spanish Republic: origins, constitution and reforms (1930-1933) 8. The Second Spanish Republic: the center-right biennium (1933-1935) 9, The crisis of the Republic. Elections and Popular Front (1936) 10. The origins of the Spanish Civil War (1936) 11. Political development of the conflict (1936-1939) 12. Development of military conflict (1936-1939) 13. The international dimension of War (1936-1939) 14. The Spain of the victors and the vanquished. The beginnings of Franco (1939-1945) 15. Franco and survival (1945-1959) 16. The Stabilization Plan and the sixties (1959-1969) 17. The post-Franco era (1969-1976) 18. The transition to democracy (1976-1982) 19. The socialist era (1982-1996) 20. The current Spain: light and shade (1996-2016)
Learning activities and methodology
The course is developed through theoretical and practical classes. In the first case, the classes are given in the form of master classes, while practical classes will be based on the reading and commentary of selected texts significant for the time and circumstances under study. In addition, students shall be asked questions and problems about the texts and other sources for the resolution of which will have to implement the competencies to be developed: synthesis capacity, critical analysis, ability to understand the complexity of historical phenomena and know recognize the local and global nature of the processes studied. Therefore, in the case of practical classes, it seeks active learning method, in which the student is involved in their own learning and participate in it. Students receive information, but should also look for it, and so we will provide resources and sources where I can find it, study independently and use it in solving the problems. The lectures organized materials to adapt to the knowledge that is intended to get students as well as their expectations, transmit structured information and provide pupils with skills which will be difficult to obtain from other sources. For its part, the practical classes alternate short work activities in the classroom (reading and short exercises and discussions) with tasks larger, they require a work also outside of class attendance to tutorials, use of resources library and search for references. In support, in practical classes visual resources and other forms of exposure, both by teachers and pupils they will be used.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • BAHAMONDE MAGRO, Ángel (dir.). Historia de España contemporánea, 1875-1939. Madrid, Cátedra, 2005.
  • BAHAMONDE, Ángel y MARTÍNEZ MARTÍN, Jesús A.. Historia de España siglo XIX, . Catedra. 1994
  • CASANOVA, Julián y GIL ANDRÉS, Carlos,. Historia de España en el siglo XX,. Ariel. 2009
  • JULIÁ, Santos; GARCÍA DELGADO, José Luis; JIMÉNEZ, Juan Carlos; FUSI, Juan Pablo,. La España del siglo XX. Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2003..
  • SANCHEZ PEREZ, Francisco (coord.),. La España del siglo XX. Síntesis y materiales para su estudio, . Alianza. 2015
  • TUSELL GÓMEZ, Javier,. Historia de España en el siglo XX, 4 vols.. Taurus. 1999
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional Bibliography
  • AGUADO, Ana Mª y RAMOS, Mª Dolores. La modernización de España (1917-1939). Cultura y vida cotidiana,. Síntesis. 2002
  • BLANCO VALDÉS, Roberto L.. Introducción a la Constitución de 1978,. Alianza. 1998
  • GIL PECHARROMÁN, Julio. Historia de la Segunda República Española (1931-1936), . Biblioteca Nueva. 2002
  • GONZÁLEZ CALLEJA, Eduardo,. a España de Primo de Rivera. La modernización autoritaria, 1923-1930, . Alianza. 2005
  • MAINER, José-Carlos y JULIÁ, Santos. El aprendizaje de la libertad: la cultura de la Transición,. Alianza. 2000
  • MORADIELLOS, Enrique. Historia mínima de la Guerra Civil española. Turner. 2016
  • MORADIELLOS, Enrique, . La España de Franco (1939-1975). Política y sociedad, . Síntesis. 2000
  • NICOLÁS, Encarna,. La libertad encadenada. España en la dictadura franquista, 1939-1975,. Alianza. 2005
  • PRESTON. Paul,. Franco, ¿Caudillo de España¿,. Grijalbo. 1994
  • SOTO CARMONA, Alvaro. Transición y cambio en España: 1975-1996,. Alianza. 2005
  • SOTO CARMONA, Álvaro y MATEOS LÓPEZ, Abdón (dirs.) . Historia de la época socialista. España: 1982-1996, . Silex. 2013
  • VILLARES, Ramón y MORENO LUZÓN, Javier,. Restauración y Dictadura, vol. 7 de la Historia de España dirigida por Josep Fontana. Crítica-Marcial Pons. 2009
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The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.