1. Lectures: reasoned and interactive presentation of the contents of the program with the support of computer and/or audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed and the materials and bibliography are provided to complement the student's learning (CG3, CG4, CG6, CE2, R1, R2).
2. Practical classes: seminars and tutored hands-on sessions. Resolution of practical cases, problems, etc. posed by the teacher individually or in groups (CG3, CG6, CE1, R2, R3, R10).
-Developing documentary creativity (writing/researching, camera/sound, editing).
-Elaboration of an audiovisual essay of between 5 and 8 minutes by students working individually or in pairs.
3. Experimental workshop (CE1, CE2, R2, R3).
-Elaboration of a 3 to 5 minutes short documentary film based on a photograph by groups of 3 students.
4. Student's work (CG3, CG6, CE1, R1, R2, R3, R4).
-Tutored study of theoretical-practical contents and teaching materials, and completing the audiovisual assignments.
5. Tutored sessions. Individualized assistance (individual tutored sessions) or group assistance (group tutored sessions) to students by the faculty.