Checking date: 21/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Camera Directing
Bachelor in Film, Television and Media Studies (Plan: 382 - Estudio: 211)


Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Technical subject with intensive use of audiovisual production laboratories, cameras and mounting devices, sound equipment, video editing, and post-production. Basic training in audiovisual expression is recommended: preparation, camera shooting, different types of microphones and sound recorder, and video and audio editing, including basic operation of post-production equipment and software.
- Knowledge of the basic skills of a film director of photography. - Understanding of the film crew functions particularly in the cinematography department. Ability and skill to clearly convey the director's decisions made during the filming process. - Capacity and ability to clearly communicate visual language decisions taken in filmmaking. - Capacity and ability to distinguish and identify available techniques as a director of photography for a film shoot. - Ability to develop strategies in the direction of creative work during filming.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Course Description: An intensive theoretical and practical study of the craft of directing for camera in film and television, independent filmmaking and audiovisual creation with emphasis on developing creative camera proficiency. The course will provide analysis of contemporary visual narrative and non-narrative constructions that will be applied in the production of in-class practical exercises to develop technical and aesthetic notions for audiovisual production and postproduction. Each student will complete a final short video project applying the concepts developed during the course.
Learning activities and methodology
Theoretical and practical content as well as the available study materials. Individual and group exercises. All instruction will be online using interactive tools. Each student will complete exercises that encompass preproduction, camera work and editing. The course syllabus and the academic weekly planning may change due academic events or other reasons.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Brown, Blain. Cinematography Theory and Practice. Image Making for Cinematographers and Directors. Focal Press . 2012
  • Christopher Kenworthy. Master Shots: 100 Advanced Camera Techniques to Get an Expensive Look on. Michael Wiese Productions. 2009
  • Jacqueline B. Frost. Cinematography for Directors: A Guide for Creative Collaboration. Michael Wiese Productions. 2009
  • Jeremy Vineyard, Jose Cruz . Setting Up Your Shots: Great Camera Moves Every Filmmaker Should Know. Michael Wiese Productions. 2008
  • Karl Reisz, Gavin Millar. The Technique of Film Editing. Elsevier/Focal Press. 2009
  • MACKENDRICK, Alexander. "On Film Making. Manual de escritura y realización cinematográfica". Jaguar. 2013
  • RABIGER, MICHAEL. Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics. Screencraft Series Focal Press. 2008
  • Richard D. Pepperman . Setting Up Your Scenes: The Inner Workings of Great Films. Michael Wiese Productions. 2005
  • UTRAY, F., ARMENTEROS, M. BENÍTEZ, A.J.. Postproducción Digital: una perspectiva contemporánea. Dykinson. 2015
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional Bibliography
  • BROWN, Blain.. Motion Picture and Video Lighting.. Newton, MA: Focal Press..
  • Christopher Kenworthy. Master Shots: 100 Advanced Camera Techniques to Get an Expensive Look on. Michael Wiese Productions. 2009
  • Jeremy Vineyard, Jose Cruz . Setting Up Your Shots: Great Camera Moves Every Filmmaker Should Know. Michael Wiese Productions. 2008
  • KINGDOM, Tom. Total Directing: Integrating Camera and Performance in Film and Television.. Silman James Press..
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.