1. Approach to the concept of image and image theory from different perspectives and from the new relationships transmitter / receiver that currently characterize the audiovisual and multimedia communication.
2. Knowledge of the different elements and characteristics of the image as well as the basic principles of composition.
3. Knowledge of the general principles of visual language and its application to the analysis of different types of images
4. Knowledge of the social, cultural, aesthetic and educational role of the image in contemporary society.
1. Encourage students a process of inquiry as embodied in the realization of well-formulated questions and orientation of the study and analysis of different program content
2. Establish processes of dialogue, discussion, argument and defend projects that make viable a fruitful and enriching communication.
3. To promote accountability in group work that needs audiovisual communication, causing the division of roles of different members of the teams.
4. Promote the study and analysis of documentary sources from which to develop working hypotheses
5. Promote autonomous and / or collective work in the search, selection, analysis and reflection on the subjects of this course.
6. Promote amongs the students the complex and analitical reading of theoretical texts
1. The students are active and feel part of the process of knowledge construction.
2. The students respect the opinions of their peers
3. To help students to learn how to express their ideas arguing solidly
4. The students will show motivation and learn to compare old and new theories, old and new media
5. The students will know to develop an analytical and critical thinking
6. To help students to develop autonomy in carrying out the work
7. Promote colaborative work
1. Knowledge of the main concepts of image
2. Knowledge of the processes of perception of the visual image
3. Knowledge of basics elements of image grammar
4. Analysis of the role of visual images in contemporary society
5. Image analysis in isolation and contextual or sequentially
6. Relationship between the processes of design, production and reception of media images
7. Expression through still images isolated
8. Development of the iconic creativity