Checking date: 24/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Media and Geography
Bachelor in Film, Television and Media Studies (Plan: 382 - Estudio: 211)

Coordinating teacher: MANUEL VALDES, CARLOS

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


1. To provide to the students a capacity of analysis of the audio-visuals (photography, cinema, documentaries) not only as instruments of description and analysis, but also as means of representation of the geographical spaces. 2. To provide a general analysis on the relations, of double meaning, between the audio-visual and the geographical space, affecting in his social, territorial and economic repercussions.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Introduction to the course. Cinema and geography: main interrelationships. 2. General considerations about cinema and Geography. Photography and the cinema during the 19th century and early the XXth. His labor of democratization of the imaginary spatial one. I.The classic supports of description of the territory II. The emergence of new supports. The new visual documentation of the territories. B. The action of intermediation of the cinema: real space, life space and filmed space. I. The mass media and his duty in the perception of the space. II. The filters of the mass media. C. Geographical space and movie space. I. The space in the cinematographic theory. II. The assembly and the virtual reconstruction of the geographical space. III. The dimensions of the movie space IV. The characteristics of the movie space. V. The links technologies between movie space and geographical space. VI. The cartography in the cinema. 3. The locations in the cinema. A.. Sources for information about the locations. B. The locations of the filming of the movies. C. Types of location. The real places. D. Types of location. The supplanted places. E. Considerations on the locations. 4. The landscape in the cinema. A General considerations. Principal explanatory theories. B.To estimate the landscape in the cinema. The factors of intermediation C. The movie landscape. Definition and characteristics 5. The geographical consequences. A. The cultural industry of the cinema and his geographical impact. B. The economic, social and territorial consequences during the filming. C. The consequences after the exhibition of the movie. D. The amplification and modification of the imaginary spatial one. Towards a " virtual geography ". 6. The description of the geographical aspects in the movies of fiction. The physical Geography. 7. The description of the geographical aspects in the movies of fiction. The human Geography.
Learning activities and methodology
This subject consists in the presentation of fundamentals, theoretical content and various information on the relationships between audiovisual productions and geographic space. A series of practical activities are organized for the evaluation: a) Individual presentation in class. b) Group practice: preparation of a video essay on one of the proposed topics. This practice will allow to carry out several control sessions: presentation of a first version of the work in class; delivery of a more elaborate version to be evaluated by the participants in the subject; and a final delivery of the video. c) Film tour in Madrid. One of the class sessions will be replaced by an excursion (3 hours long) to learn about the relationship between the city and fictional audiovisual productions.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • CONLEY, T. Cartographic cinema.. University of Minnesota Press, 2006.
  • CONLEY, T. "Locations of Film Noir".. The Cartographic Journal Vol. 46, nº 1, 2009.
  • Chaves Martín, M.A. (ed). Ciudad y comunicación. Universidad Complutense. 2015
  • DODDS, K.. "Popular geopolitics and audience dispositions: James Bond and the Internet Movie Dabase (IMDb)".. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, nº 31, 2006.
  • Deltell, L.. Madrid en el cine de la década de los cincuenta. Ayuntamiento de Madrid. 2006
  • ESCHER, A. y ZIMMERMANN, S.. "Geography meets Hollywood. The role of landscape in feature film".. Geographische Zeitschrift, vol. 89, nº 4. 2001.
  • GONZÁLEZ MONCLÚS, A.. "Cine y paisaje geográfico".. Tiempo y Tierra, nº 1, 1993.
  • GÁMIR ORUETA, A.. "La cartografía en el cine: mapas y planos en las producciones cinematográficas occidentales".. Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica de Geografía nº 334, 2010.
  • GÁMIR ORUETA, A. . "La consideración del espacio geográfico y el paisaje en el cine". Scripta Nova nº 403. 2012
  • GÁMIR ORUETA, A. y MANUEL VALDÉS, C.. "Cine y Geografía: espacio geográfico, paisaje y territorio en las producciones cinematográficas".. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles nº 45, 2007.
  • HARVEY, D.. La condición de la postmodernidad: investigación sobre los orígenes del cambio cultural.. Amorrortu, 1998.
  • HELLMANN, C. y WEBERÑHOF, C.. On location. Cities of the World in Film.. Verlag, 2006.
  • HENRIET, M.. Géographi du Western.. Nathan, 2003.
  • HJORT, M. y MACKENZIE, S. (EDS). Cinema and Nation.. Routledge, 2000.
  • Hoyt, E. (ed). The Arclight Guidebook to Media History and the Digital Humanities. Falmer. 2016
  • KITCHIN, R.M. y KNEALE, J. (EDS.). Lost in space: geographies of scinece fiction.. Continuum, 2002.
  • LEFEBVRE, M. (ED). Landscape and film. Routledge. 2006
  • LUKINBEAL, C.. "Cinematic Landscape".. Journal of Cultural Geography 23-1, 2005.
  • MACDONALD, G.M.. "Third World Films: a strategy for promoting geographic understanding".. Journal of Geography 89-6, 1990.
  • MELBYE, D.. Landscape allegory in cinema. From wilderness to wasteland. Palgrave. Mc.Millan. 2010
  • MOTTET, J.. Invention de la scene americaine. Cinema et paysage.. L¿Harmattan, 1998.
  • MOTTET, J. (DIR). Les paysages du cinéma.. Seyssel, 1999.
  • MOYANO, E.. La memoria escondida. Emigración y cine.. Tabla Rasa, 2005.
  • RAMÍREZ, J.A.. La arquitectura en el cine. Hollywood, la Edad de Oro.. Alianza, 1993.
  • ROSADO, C. y QUEROL, P.. Cine y turismo. Una nueva estrategia de promoción.. Junta de Andalucía, 2006.
  • SHIEL, M. y FITZMAURICE, T.. Cinema and the city: film and urban societies in a global context.. Blackwell, 2001.
  • SONTAG, S.. Sobre la fotografía.. Alfaguara, 2005.
  • SÁNCHEZ NORIEGA, J.L.. Diccionario temático del cine.. Cátedra, 2004.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.