Checking date: 31/08/2022

Course: 2022/2023

Fiction television shows
Bachelor in Film, Television and Media Studies (Plan: 382 - Estudio: 211)


Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


1. Knowledge of the nature and development of television fiction and its interaction with media culture. 2. Ability to analyze the evolution of television fiction from an international perspective. 3. Ability to interpret and critically examine mutations that occur in the production of contemporary fiction. 4. Study case.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
I. The canon of television fiction. II. Industrial and authorship analysis of television fiction. III. Narrative analysis of television fiction. IV. Aesthetic analysis of television fiction. V. Cultural analysis of television fiction. VI. Reception analysis of television fiction. VII. TV fiction criticism. Study case of the course: "She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" (Disney+: 2022).
Learning activities and methodology
1. Theorical lessons. Approach to the analysis of televised fiction, with special attention to contemporary television fiction. Narrative aspects, cultural and aesthetic. Competences 1 and 2 (0.75 ECTS). 2. Practical lessons. Interpretation and analysis of representative examples of fictional television productions. Active participation of the students in the comment of the proposed audiovisual texts. Competences 3 and 4 (0.75 ECTS). 3. Student work. Supervised study theoretical and practical content and teaching materials. Competences 1 and 2 (1 ECTS). Preparation of practical classes and preparation and defense of a research work on specific issues. Competences 3 and 4 (0.5 ECTS).
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Basic Bibliography
  • Cascajosa Virino, Concepción. La cultura de las series. Laertes. 2016
  • Cascajosa Virino, Concepción. Prime Time : las mejores series de TV americanas de C.S.I. a los soprano . Calamar. 2005
  • Cascajosa Virino, Concepción. La caja lista: televisión norteamericana de culto . Laertes. 2007
  • Cascajosa Virino, Concepción y Zahedi, Farshad. Historia de la televisión. Tirant Lo Blanch. 2016
  • Creeber, G. (Ed.). . The Televisión Genre Book. British Film Institute, London, . 2001.
  • Creeber, Glen. Serial Television: Big Drama on the Small Screen. British Film Institute. 2008
  • Creeber, Glen (Ed.). . The Televisión Genre Book. British Film Institute. 2001
  • Creeber, Glen (ed.) . Fifty Key Television Programmes. Bloomsbury. 2004
  • Huerta, Miguel Ángel y Sangro, Pedro (eds.). La estética televisiva en las series contemporáneas. Tirant Lo Blanch. 2018
  • Mittel, Jason. Complex TV: The Poetics of Contemporary Television Storytelling. NYU Press. 2015
  • Nussbaum, Emily. I Like to Watch: Arguing my Way Through the TV Revolution. Random House. 2019
  • Palacio, Manuel. Historia de la televisión en España. . Gedisa,. 2001
  • Palacio, Manuel. Las cosas que hemos visto : 50 años y más de TVE . IORTV. 2006
  • Press, Joy. Stealing the Show: How Women Are Revolutionizing Television. Atria Books. 2018
  • Sepinwall, Alan and Seitz, Matt Zoller. TV. The Book.. Hachette. 2016
  • VVAA. Sitcom. La comedia en la sala de estar.. Lengua de Trapo. 2019
  • Vande Berg, L R. & Gronbeck, BE. Critical Approaches to Television. Houghton Mifflin. 1998

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.