The subject has foreseen a total of 3 ECTS. They will be born in mind to calculate them the hours of study of the pupils.
Educational methodology The classes follow a communicative method; every communicative aim implies a part of theoretical education (grammar and lexicon) and a series of oral or written exercises.
Hours of class: 14
Working hours of the pupil: 49Se he will enable a specific field in GLOBAL CLASSROOM in which every teacher, to the beginning of every four-month period, indicates the día/s of the week, the schedule and the luga in which there will be realized the tutorships and the assistance individualized to the pupils.
Additional there are established two modalities of collective tutorships as complement of the individual tutorships. It are meetings of orientation, revision or explanation of doubts, of voluntary character for the students. For it, they will not be in use for extending the content of the programs and they are not evaluables.
Treating itself about a course of an alone four-month period, it is highly advisable that the pupil does not stop studying the language during the second four-month period to consolidate his knowledge. The area of Tourism will be employed at collaboration with the Center of Languages. In addition, the pupil has material adjusted to the study of 4 skills in the libraries: manuals of grammar, of vocabulary and of phonetics, notebooks of exercises of auditory and written comprehension, of grammar, of vocabulary, methods of auto-learning, readings levelled in Frenchman, movies in French VO and documentaries related to the tourism. They will find also resources in the laboratories of languages.